Tuesday 30 December 2014

Marks & Spencer - Plaza Singapura

Finally... I'm having a break today. Haven't really felt rested for December.

Went to Plaza Singapura to get some belated gifts at Marks and Spencer. Received a WOK for a Filipino sales assistant.

Prayed for the left side of her neck and she got healed. She asked me how I knew it. Shared with her about Jesus. She's a Catholic.

Sunday 28 December 2014

Fa Long Gong

Had dinner at Fernvale Mall foodcourt. While waiting for my wife to buy food for Jeshua, I had a WOK for one of the four elderly people who sat beside us. I thought it was his right ankle but apparently, it was his left one.

Prayed for him and he couldn't test it out yet as the pain comes on and off. One of them said, "He's massaging for you." I replied, "No. Actually I prayed. I'm a Christian."

The uncle whom I prayed for asked, "How did you know I have pain there?" I responded with the usual answer.

Then one of them asked, "How does Jesus talk to you?" It was so difficult for me to explain in Mandarin.

After sharing, they told me that they are from Fa Long Gong and they practise meditation (Falun Dafa) to improve their health. The uncle whom I prayed for passed me a Fa Long Gong magazine and a card while I passed him my namecard.

People who practise Falun Dafa can heal themselves of various sicknesses including chronic diseases. They tap their power from the wrong source (Satan). We have the real power from the true source (Jesus). We got to walk in Christ-likeness and represent Him accurately to the world. If we are powerless, people will go to other religions for help.

Had an interesting conversation with them. I'm praying that Jesus encounters him powerfully.

Youth Camp

Spoke at a youth camp session today in an independent church. Called out a few WOKs at the end of the session.

A young girl was born with a condition where her spine is very fragile (according to her). As a result, it is crooked and it causes her to have frequent lower back pain. Prayed for her and her right leg grew out. Her spine is straightened. Praise Jesus! One of the adults came to video the whole process and the youths were excited when they saw the miracle.

Saturday 27 December 2014

Friday 26 December 2014

Revelation Comes When We Desire To Do God's Will - Why We Don't See Healing

John 7:17 (AMP) - If any man desires to do His will (God’s pleasure), he will know (have the needed illumination to recognize, and can tell for himself) whether the teaching is from God...

I believe that if we desire to do God's will, He will reveal the truth to us through the Word of God.

I was preparing my sermon for this Sunday as I would be preaching at a youth group from an independent church. I read Romans 12:2 again.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Most of us read, quote and confess the first part of the Scripture. But we miss out the second part, which is the most important part. We can only prove the perfect will of God to the extent in which our mind is renewed.

The perfect will of God includes divine health and healing. In other words, when I pray for someone and he's not healed, it doesn't change the will of God (He is the same yesterday, today and forever!). It only means that my own mind hasn't been renewed to that degree, such that I can prove the perfect will of God for healing. This is a hard saying which most people and even preachers won't agree. But I am fully convinced that this is truth.

Our mind can only be renewed to the level in which our heart believes. What does this mean? If my mind tells me, "I believe that cancer can be healed easily", but my heart doesn't believe, no matter how much I confess and pray, the cancer won't be gone.

On the contrary, if my mind tells me, "I don't believe healing cancer is so easy", but my heart believes (maybe because I have seen healings taking place), then the cancer will be gone when I pray.

Some may say, "What about praying for people with the same kind of sickness? Why is it that sometimes the person is healed while another person of the same sickness is not?" Well, again, it depends on how renewed our mind is at that point of praying. In other words, it depends on how much we believe in our heart at that point of praying. Our believing is not always constant at every point in time. That's why we need to keep renewing our mind daily.

I have seen 100% healing (by far) for those with crooked spine resulting in long-short legs. My mind in that area is renewed such that I believe when I pray, it will happen.

Jesus taught His disciples when they failed to cast out a demon in Mark 9. They couldn't help the demon-possessed boy. Jesus said to them in Mark 9:19 - He answered him and said, “O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him to Me.”

Jesus said to His disciples, "O faithless generation...." because the disciples are the ones who are supposed to release the kingdom and set the captives free. They are the ones empowered by Jesus to do so. Yet they failed to do it because of their lack of faith.

When the father of the boy came to Jesus for help. Jesus said to him in Mark 9:23 - Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”

All things are possible to him who believes. For Jesus, all things are possible because He believes. His mind is completely renewed. This is why He is transfigured at Mount Transfiguration. The word 'transfigured' is the same word used for 'renewing' of mind in Romans 12:2. He is so renewed in His mind that His whole body is glorious!

All things are not yet possible for us because we DON'T believe. Our mind hasn't been renewed fully.

Mark 11:23 says that if we believe in our heart, mountain will move. But when mountain (i.e. sickness) does not move, that's because we don't believe in our heart. Period.

Jesus doesn't need the father to believe. Mark 9:24 tells us that the father doesn't have faith for his son's healing. Jesus will stand believing, on behalf of the father. This tells us that when someone is sick (and doesn't have faith), we should be the ones to stand believing FOR them. The responsibility lies with the person administering healing. Again, this is a hard saying that many won't agree with.

Jesus cast out the demon from the boy. His disciples were curious and they asked Jesus privately, "Why doesn't it work for us? What's the secret?"

Jesus replied in Matthew 17:20 (same story) - "Because of your unbelief..."

Here lies the answer for why we don't see healing when we pray for someone - because of our unbelief. Our mind hasn't been renewed fully. In other words, our heart does not believe.

How then can we renew our mind and remove unbelief? Jesus gave the answer in Mark 9:29 - This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.

Traditionally, people will interpret "this kind" as "this kind of demon". Yet, Jesus did not pray and fast when He cast out this demon. The whole context is about the disciples' unbelief. It has nothing to do with the demon. Jesus is saying, "This kind - referring to unbelief - can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting."

It is not about the method of prayer and fasting. It's about intimacy with God such that we SEE what He sees. We SEE from His perspective. It's when we commune with Him to such an extent that we are fully persuaded of His goodness and greatness. This is how we renew our mind. This is how we remove unbelief. This is how our heart believes. This is how we prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. When that happens, ALL things are possible. All sicknesses and diseases shall be removed in Jesus' name!

Thank You for showing me this, Jesus! I'm still on a journey of having my mind renewed. Renew my mind, Jesus!

Thursday 25 December 2014

Seletar Mall - Food Court

We had dinner at Seletar Mall food court. While waiting for my food at the Indonesian stall, I had a wrong WOK for one of the staff - left leg issue.

God redeems our mistakes as long as our heart is for Him.

One of the male staff said, "I have." Apparently, it's his right ankle. He sprained it while playing sports. Prayed for him and he got healed.

He asked me if I do this kind of work as a living. I told him that I am a Christian and I work in Church...

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Kung Fu Master

Took a cab after leaving the office.

Had a WOK - right ankle area for the driver. He asked how I knew it. Told him about Jesus. He's a Buddhist though.

We continued our conversation and he told me that he was trained in different types of Kung Fu ever since he was 9 years old. He had fought against many and none of them could win him. He was so well trained that when I mentioned about Bruce Lee, he shared that he wasn't afraid of Bruce's arms. In fact, he was as skillful as Bruce Lee when it comes to fighting with his arms. But he admitted that when it comes to fighting with legs, he was way below Bruce's ability.

Anyway, he suffered a stroke years ago because he didn't have enough rest due to driving the taxi late into the wee hours.

I purposely got him to alight me at the lobby so that I could pray for him.

Prayed for him and he felt better. He said, "You have power. I can feel the energy flowing in because I'm trained in Kung Fu."

Asked him if he had other areas of pain and he pointed to his chest area. Prayed and he got better. He nodded his head and said again, "You indeed have the power. I can feel it." I explained that it's the energy of the Holy Spirit. He then shared that he understood it because he used to meditate a lot in Buddhism and he could direct the flow of the energy.

Prayed for his vocal cord as it was damaged due to the stroke. Trusting God for complete manifestation of His healing and miracle.

He asked me which church I go to. I said, "Toa Payoh Methodist Church and I work there." He said that he's going to get his son to come and he kept thanking me. I passed him my namecard so that he could contact me.

A Buddhist Kung Fu master encountered the energy of the Holy Spirit and he's getting his son to come to church. How awesome is that! God is so good!

Famous Amos TPY

Went with Daniel to the Famous Amos shop at TPY central as he needed to get something. 

While he was making payment, I had a WOK - neck problem.

One staff from China responded with pain at her throat area. She said that it was very painful. Prayed for her and she was surprised that she felt so much better. Told her that Jesus healed her. Daniel then invited her to church. I passed her my namecard so that she can contact us.

Another two staff came to me with neck problems. Prayed and they felt better but not complete healing.

Told them about Jesus...

SGH - Wilson's Parking

Went to SGH to visit a member.

Had a WOK for one of the staff at Wilson's parking - right knee. Had another WOK for the China staff who came after a while - lower neck near his back.

Prayed for both of them but no visible improvement. Trusting God for full manifestation to come.

Approached another staff (they have 7 staff to do valet parking) who looks like an Indian. Had a WOK - right shoulder. He confirmed it. Prayed twice and he got healed. Asked if he's a local and he said yes. Asked if he's Muslim or Hindu and he said that he's a Christian. Awesome!

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Muslim Lady At Fork & Spoon

Had lunch at Fork & Spoon TPY. I had a wrong WOK for the Muslim lady at the Western stall but she still let me pray for her right knee. Talked to her about Isa - Jesus and gave her mum my mobile so that she could call me if she has pain on her elbow area (it comes on and off)

Bought dinner from the new zhi char stall at Punggol. Had a WOK for the lady - neck problem. Apparently it's allergy to seafood and it causes rashes on her neck. Didn't get to pray as she was really busy.

Monday 22 December 2014

Young Guy At DIY Shop

Had a WOK for the young guy at the new DIY shop at Punggol - back of left knee. I was there to buy new tap as the old one was leaking. 

Checked with him but it was the front of his left knee instead. He met an accident many years ago and it didn't heal properly. As such, whenever it's raining, he will feel the pain. Prayed for him.

Sunday 21 December 2014

Birthday Celebration

Wifey brought me to Scotts Rd for birthday celebration over tea time.

Had a WOK - right knee pain for one of the waitresses, but she didn't want to be prayed for as she's busy...

Saturday 20 December 2014

Interesting Miracle

In my shower room at youth camp, there were a lot of spiders. Probably this room had not been used for a long time. It was very musty.

After killing three to four small spiders, I saw a really huge one. I have never seen such size in Singapore before. Man, that's scary haha. I hate spiders.

I got out of the shower room and prayed, "In Jesus' name, I command all the spiders in this room to die and leave."

When I went back to the shower room, the huge spider disappeared. I searched every corner (and ceiling) but I couldn't find it. There is no opening in the shower room.

God just made it disappeared. Thank You Jesus!

Cab After Christmas Outreach

After Christmas at Random Lounge outreach, I took a cab back to rest and prepare for my preaching on the following day. I was really tired, especially after a youth camp.

Had a WOK for the driver - left ankle area.

Usually when it's a WOK, the person will be open to receive help. But I was surprised that he immediately rejected my offer to help him to be better, for free.

May God still touch him :)

Next time, I will just pray verbally without touching anyway haha.

Friday 19 December 2014

Cab To Bishan

Took a cab with wifey and son to my colleague's place for Christmas dinner gathering.

When arrived at her block, I had a WOK - left foot for the driver. Same thing - he was surprised, so I shared with him about Jesus.

Prayed for him.

Thursday 18 December 2014

Youth Camp - Treasure Hunt

The youths were equipped with the know-how of treasure hunt last night.

This morning, we headed to Yishun to reach out and find each group's treasure.

My group found our treasure. She wore blue jeans, red sandals and was drinking coffee. Her need was knee problem. Prayed for her and there was very little pain left. As she was mute, we communicated via text messages. Wanted to pray for her muteness but she had to leave for KL.

Went to join another group as they needed help. While walking towards Kopitiam foodcourt, I had a WOK - left arm for an uncle sitting at a round bench. He confirmed it. Prayed and he received healing. He had pain on his right arm and right knee too. Prayed and he got healed. He started testifying to the rest of the old folks sitting there. I asked if anyone needed healing but they shared that they didn't need. This uncle is a free-thinker but his wife is a Catholic. Spoke to him about Jesus.

As we were sitting at the foodcourt waiting for our treasure to appear, I had a WOK for an auntie sitting beside our table. It was left arm again.

Checked with her and she asked, "How come you know?" Talked to her about Jesus, prayed for her and she felt that the tightness was gone. Prayed also for her mother who was sitting on a wheelchair. As I was praying, I noticed that a Malay lady was observing me from a distance away. She was eating her lunch.

I went to approach her and asked if she had any pain. She shared that her left arm was really painful. Prayed twice and she felt the heat flowing into her arm. She got better but not completely healed yet. Trusting God for her complete healing!

Monday 15 December 2014

Two Aircon Guys & Female Cleaner

Two aircon servicing guys came to church to change the filters today. I had a WOK for one of them - left shoulder.

He confirmed it but said that the right one was more painful. Prayed for him and he felt better. He asked me to pray for his left knee and calf too. Prayed a few times and he got better. But it wasn't complete yet.

The other guy asked me to pray for his respiratory problem. Prayed for him too.

Found out that one of them is from Blangadesh while the other from India. Both are Hindus though. Talked to them about Jesus. The first guy asked if we meditate like Hindus. Told him that we meditate on Jesus based on the Bible.

Seed is sown. Amen.

Walked towards the toilet and saw the Indian female cleaner. I had a WOK for her few days ago but didn't get to check with her. Asked her about her left arm. She confirmed it. Prayed and she said, "Wow good ah!" Jesus healed her. She's a Catholic who visits Novena Church.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Buangkok MRT

Walked out of Buangkok MRT and saw three Indian guys sitting near the pavement. Had a WOK for one of them - left leg issue. He said that his left foot was injured during construction work. There was pain whenever he walked for a distance. Prayed for him twice. He said "Better". He asked if I was a doctor. Told him that I merely prayed and I prayed in Jesus' name. He was glad and thanked me.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Saturday Encounters

Had a WOK for an uncle - neck. He said that he had problem with this during certain times of the day. Prayed twice and he couldn't tell if there was any difference as he didn't have pain at that moment. 

Took a cab from Sengkang to Punggol as we were carrying heavy stuff. Had a WOK that wasn't clear - left knee. I was thinking, "Why not just check with the driver? At most, I only get it wrong." He said that it's the right knee. Doesn't matter. Prayed for him and he felt good. He asked, "You got super power ah?" Took this chance to tell him about Jesus. He was very thankful.

Friday 12 December 2014


God spoke to me this morning during devotion that I would meet a lady with right foot issue today. Well, I didn't get out of the office to the streets at all. But in the evening, as I was praying in the church library, God suddenly reminded me of this WOK. In fact, He revealed who the person is - Sharon, my colleague haha.

I texted her and she confirmed the problem. Didn't get to pray for her as she left before I came back from library.

Took a cab back after night prayer meeting. God revealed two WOKs - back of neck and left ankle for the driver. When I asked him, he said that he sprained his right ankle before but he is fine now. He also shared that he was unable to rotate his neck due to stiffness but he is fine now.

This is interesting... Why did God show me his past injuries?

Thursday 11 December 2014

Best Denki

Was at Best Denki this evening. Received a WOK for an uncle who works as sales assistant there - left knee. He said that both knees are painful for 12 years. Prayed twice and he could bend more than before. But it's not complete healing yet. I told him that he would get better because of prayer. He asked for my namecard so that he could call me.

God, touch him with complete manifestation of Your healing, that he may know You!

Prayed for another sales assistant who was limping. He met with traffic accident years ago. He felt better after prayer.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Cab To Mt Alvernia Hospital

During lunch time, I rushed to Mt Alvernia with my wife by cab to visit a close friend whose wife has just given birth to a baby girl. 

As I sat in the cab, I had two WOKs for the driver - back of his neck and back of his left ankle.

After I gave him the taxi fare, I touched the back of his neck and asked, "You have pain here, right?"

He nodded. Prayed for him. Then I asked, "What about your left leg?" He replied, "Yes." And I said, "At the bottom part near the ankle." He confirmed it. As he raised his left leg, I touched the back of his ankle and prayed.

I had no time to check as I was in a rush. Told him that Jesus will heal him.

Sunday 7 December 2014

North-South Line At Bishan Towards TPY

Was waiting at North-South line platform at Bishan for the train to head towards Toa Payoh for work this morning. A Muslim guy stood beside me. I began to ask the Lord how I could bless him. God told me that his left knee was painful.

I asked him if he is a Blangadesh. Apparently, he is a Malaysian. Tried to communicate with him but he couldn't really speak English. So I pointed to my left knee and asked, "Sankit de si ni?"

He nodded. Offered to take a look but he kept rejecting. However, I knew from his facial expression that I could be persistent. When we got out of the station control at Toa Payoh, he allowed me to pray for him. Didn't manage to check as he was in a rush. I only managed to tell him that Isa (Jesus) is the One healing him.

In the evening, my wife, Jeshua and I went to Tampines where my mum-in-law stays. I contacted the Malay lady - security guard at Amber Gardens, as she stays in Tampines. We went over to her place to pray for her right ankle. She had tried many doctors and stuff but to no avail. Prayed a few times and she felt better. I'm trusting God to grant her full manifestation of His healing so that she knows that Jesus is real. Amen!

Saturday 6 December 2014

Suntec City Encounters

Was having dessert with wifey at a small stall at Suntec City while Jeshua was taking a nap. Went up to pray for cleaner lady who was limping. She said that she had dislocated her knee one year ago and it hasn't recovered. Prayed and she felt better. She attends a Catholic church.

An uncle sitting nearby saw what I was doing and he kept looking at me. I asked him if he needed healing and he pointed to his left knee. Prayed and he felt better. I had a WOK this morning during devotion about him - left knee, caused by accident. Apparently, he met with an accident three years ago which resulted in this injury. He also pointed to his lower back to thigh area and said that there was pain due to that accident.

Prayed and his left leg grew out a little in alignment with the right one. Prayed for his lower back and got him to test out. He exclaimed, "Oh! Ok now!" Jesus healed him. He thanked me while I talked to him about Jesus.

I am very glad that my wifey has been very open for me to minister to people in the public when I'm with her.

Friday 5 December 2014

Fernvale Mall

We went to Fernvale Mall for the first time. Went into a corporate gift shop and bought phone screen protector. As the sales lady was pasting my screen protector, I asked her, "Do you have pain at your right ankle?"

She nodded and said that both ankles were sore and numb.

Prayed for her although it was crowded. Thank God she had two other staff to assist her.

She felt better and lighter. Thus, she asked, "Is it because you press the nerve?"

"No. It's because I prayed for you. God bless you."

Thursday 4 December 2014

On Leave - Resort World Sentosa

1) Went to Amber Condo. Passed by the female Muslim security guard and asked her, "How's your ankle?"

She replied, "Still the same."

Me: The right one, right?

She: Yes.

Prayed for her but no visible improvement.

She: How you know ah?

Me: God told me.

She: Pray for me ah. I need it to be well.

My wife shared her testimony of how her left ankle was healed by prayer. This Muslim lady was glad.

Me: I will be back to pray for you.

2) While queuing for the wheel ride with Jeshua at USS Resort World, I had a WOK for the staff (a lady in her late 50s) - left ankle. Apparently, she had problem with right ankle and left knee - osteoarthritis.

Prayed for her knee and she felt better. She said her right ankle was fine at that moment. She's a Christian who reads the Bible on her own but she doesn't attend Church. She shared that she might want to be baptised and asked me which church I go to. I passed her my namecard so that she could call me if she would like to be baptised.

3) After a whole day of walking around, both of us were tired. As Jeshua was sleeping, we decided to sit near Taiwan Large Chicken stall. Wifey wanted to eat 'Tian Bu La', so I went to buy. Had a WOK for one of the staff - right leg issue. He had pain at the back of his right ankle. I asked if I could take a look and help him but he politely declined as he had taken medication.

4) This morning, while spending time with the Lord, He told me that I would see a lady with crutches at Resort World. Her problem would be her left foot.

As we were sitting there eating 'Tian Bu La', I saw a young lady with crutches. Her left shoe was much thicker than her right one. Immediately, I went up to her and talked.

She told me that she suffered from bone cancer twelve years ago. As a result, her left leg is now much shorter than the right.

I explained to her that Jesus told me in the morning that I would see her today. She allowed me to pray for her. No visible healing though. I have seen 100% healing for those with long-short legs due to crooked spine. This case is different.

Nevertheless, I'm trusting God for the full manifestation of His healing to happen when she goes home or in the next few days.

More Lord more!

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Three Encounters

Prayed for a salesman's knees at Courts and he received immediate partial healing.

Was at Punggol Plaza for dinner. While buying chicken rice, I had a WOK for the young chap - neck problem. When asked, he nodded and showed me where the pain was. Prayed and he said, "Song (loosened) liao..." Told him that I actually prayed for him in Jesus' name.

After dinner, we went to the airport to collect Jeshua's stroller, which we had forgotten to collect from the luggage belt last week. As the security officer escorted me to the office (inside the hall), I asked her, "You have a problem with your neck?"

She replied, "Why you ask?"

"You have, right?"

She: How did you know?

Me: You worship Hindu god. I worship Jesus. He told me that you have this.

By now she was really stunned by how Jesus knew about her problem. Prayed for her neck. She told me that her migraine caused her to have neck pain. Prayed for her and she was healed.

She continued to be amazed by God's goodness.

Yes, I'm, too, amazed by His goodness! Hallelujah!

Thinking Healing

I got to know from a pastor friend how the Holy Spirit led him recently to minister healing by simply thinking about it, instead of speaking or laying hand on the sick person.

God is no respecter of person. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. If God does it through one person, He wants to do it again through anyone who believes.

So I decided to try out on my wife, since her ankle hasn't fully healed. If she tries to jump or jog, she would feel the pain.

I told her, "Dar, I'm going to think about your healing right now."

After thinking, I got her to test out. She excitedly jumped many times and jogged on the spot. She was surprised!

Truly it's about what we believe in our hearts. Proverbs says that "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he." If our hearts believe, nothing is impossible.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Muslim Cashier

While making payment for my shampoo, I asked the Muslim cashier, "You have headache?"

She replied, "No. Why do you ask?"

Then she said, "Actually, I have it often. Not now. But very often, especially when the weather is hot."

"Can I pray for you?"

She nodded. I asked for her hand and prayed. Trusting God for complete healing.

Encounters At Ion Orchard

Went to the male toilet and saw an old cleaner guy. Had a wrong WOK for him but he told me that he had knee problems for many years due to old age.

Prayed for him without speaking so that he doesn't know that I'm praying in Jesus' name. He felt better and asked me what skill I've learnt.

I told him that I prayed in Jesus' name. Explained to him and prayed again. He said his knees became much lighter and better and kept thanking me. Told him that Jesus would make him well.

Next, I was at Bobbi Brown with my wifey as she needed to get her make-up stuff. While making payment, I had a WOK - right knee for the salesgirl.

Asked her how's her knee and she was surprised. "Why do you ask?"

Me: Do you have pain there?

She: How come you ask?

Me: It's the right one, right?

She: Yes. 

Her facial expression was priceless. "Erm... How come you know ah?"

Me: Are you a Muslim?

She: Yes.

Me: You worship Allah. I worship Jesus. He's God and He told me you have this problem. Can I help you take a look for free? I would like to help you so that you can serve and work better.

She was reluctant as her boss was around. I told her to put her own hand on her knee. I said a quick prayer.

Am trusting that healing is done.

A lot of times, all we need to do is to sow the seed of the Gospel. We don't always need to lead someone to say the sinner's prayer. In fact, saying the sinner's prayer doesn't get a person saved. It's really about what he/she believes in his/heart about Jesus.

Throughout the Gospel, I have never seen Jesus asking people to confess their sins, repent and pray the sinner's prayer. He only told the Pharisees and the religious leaders to repent. Why? Because of their unbelief.

Yet for the rest, He freely forgave them. He forgave the paralytic man of his sins even before the man repented (Mark 2). The man did not even confess his sins.

He forgave the woman caught in adultery (John 8). That woman did not even confess her sins. Neither did she repent.

Yet Jesus believed in both the paralytic man and the woman caught in adultery. He believed in them that they would believe in Him. Freely, He released forgiveness of their sins - which is literally salvation.

Throughout the Gospel, many followed Jesus because they encountered Him - through healing, deliverance, word of knowledge, etc.

What makes us think that the people whom we've touched won't place their trust in Jesus? The moment their hearts go, "Hmm... This Jesus can be the One whom I can trust", that's it.

Romans 10 says that when we believe in our hearts that Jesus is Lord, we are justified. It's about what we believe in our hearts about Jesus.

What we need to do is not to focus on leading people to say the salvation prayer. What we need is to represent Jesus well because everyone wants a King like Jesus, who is way too GOOD!

Monday 1 December 2014

Paris Baguette

Ordered coffee for the rest of the team at Paris Baguette this afternoon. Received a WOK for the cashier's neck.

Went up to her later to get a stirrer and asked, "How's your neck?"

She gave a surprised look. Then she told me where the pain was. Prayed for her very quickly as she was going to serve the customers. She felt better.

Wanted to pray for her again for complete healing but she was busy doing her work.

Saturday 29 November 2014

Aircon Maintenance Guys

Made appointment for Aircon maintenance guys to come to my place in the evening.

Received a WOK for them but I gave another one instead, thinking that the first one wasn't so clear. Got it wrong. The first one was correct but I didn't give.

But one of the guys said, "I have pain on my right calf and regular headache." Prayed for him and his right calf was healed. He said, "It's warm..."

Prayed for his headache to go but it couldn't be checked as he didn't have headache at that point in time.

They asked me what I do as a living. Shared with them about church and Jesus.

Seed is sown. Come on Jesus!

Friday 28 November 2014

Bakery Near My Place

Went to the nearby coffee shop to get dinner. On my way, I went to the bakery to get a bread.

Had a WOK - behind left foot - for the lady. She's a new staff.

She asked me, "Why do you suddenly ask?"

While she confirmed that she had pain behind her left foot, she declined my offer to help her get rid of the pain.

I'm used to people rejecting my prayer/help. They are not rejecting me. They just don't know the Gospel. Press on!

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Sunmerry Bakery Again

We went to Sunmerry Bakery again today. Saw a lady giving out pamphlets and had a WOK (right knee) for her. After we purchased some bread and stuff, she disappeared.

About an hour later, we saw her again. I approached her to check if she had problem with right knee. She said "Yes." Then she hesitated before saying, "Maybe it's because I stood for too long."

She wasn't keen to be prayed for.

Prayed for her in my heart though...

Tuesday 25 November 2014

A Fulfilling Day

Today is the fifth day in Taipei. Yet both my wifey and I felt that it's the first day we are really starting our vacation. Tomorrow is the last (full) day of this trip -_-". Jeshua has finally recovered. Thank Jesus!

We went to three places - Taipei Zoo, Gondola Ride and Raohe Night Market. Yeah!

While eating our lunch at Taipei Zoo, I had a WOK - left ear problem for one of the aunties sitting at the table beside us. I didn't manage to check with them though.

At the end of the Gondola Ride, we arrived at a beautiful place called Maokong Station (200 over metres above ground level), where the temperature was much cooler.

Went to buy BBQ black pork sausage. While waiting for the uncle to barbecue it, I received a WOK (left foot) for the uncle. Prayed for him but he didn't test out as he had to sit down and barbecue for others.

Monday 24 November 2014

Out Alone

It was quite an episode since we reached Taipei. Jeshua was down with diarrhoea for the first two days. On the third day, he developed hives - it got so bad that it was all over his body. Thank God the swell has gone down.

As he was sleeping, I went out for a short while to take a look at the various stalls at Ximending. Wifey stayed with him in the room.

Asked a group of three taxi drivers how to get to Ningxia night market. Received a WOK - left neck for one of them. Prayed for him and he was surprised that it really became loosened as he had stiffness at his left neck for many years. At first I didn't tell him that I was praying. When I told him after prayer, he said he understood. He's not a believer though.

Was walking around the streets when I saw a lady wearing a wrist guard. She said that its due to inflammation and whenever she tried to exert strength, she would feel the pain. She had this issue for more than a year. Prayed for her and got her to remove her wrist guard. She had no more pain when she tried to exert it. Praise Jesus! It was a short encounter as she got to go.

The kingdom within never shuts down. More Jesus.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Sunmerry Bakery - Yong Kang Street

We went to Yong Kang Street yesterday. My wife and Jeshua went in to Sunmerry bakery while I waited outside with the stroller and other stuff because walkway in the bakery is too narrow for the stroller to go in.

Saw a lady giving out flyers and had a WOK for her concerning her right foot. She said its the sole of her foot. I told her it's probably because she had been standing for too long.

Prayed for her neck and headache as she shared that she gets this problem very often, though she didn't have it at that moment in time.

She's a Buddhist but she's open for prayer :)

Friday 21 November 2014

Taiwan Driver

Arrived at Taiwan Taoyuan Airport. Pamela had gotten her sister to help us booked a cab to our hotel.

Had a WOK for the uncle - left ankle.

He was surprised and said, "Wow, even better than doctors. Cos you can read fortune."

My wife and I replied, "It's because Jesus knows and He loves you."

He injured his left ankle in a car accident. Doctor said that one of the nerves is permanently damaged.

Prayed for him when we reached hotel. He said that he felt the ankle loosened.

Am trusting God for brand new ankle for him. Amen!

Thursday 20 November 2014

Construction Worker

Was walking towards Jeshua nanny's place when I saw a construction worker sitting at the pavement. Had a WOK for his left knee.

Went up to him and asked. He said, "No." I persisted. "Any problem with your left leg - knee?" He nodded and asked how I knew.

Apparently, it was due to arthritis. He had this three months ago in China before he came to Singapore. He had taken medicine, so there was no pain at that moment in time.

Prayed for him and talked about Jesus. Thanked him for working in Singapore.

I realise that sometimes, people choose not to acknowledge their pain when I check with them. It's interesting...

Muslim & Drink Stalls

Went to buy chicken cutlet rice from the Muslim stall near my place. Received a WOK that wasn't so clear but decided to step out in faith anyway - right knee area.

The Muslim lady confirmed it and said that she has abit of arthritis but she's on medicine. She asked me why. I requested to bless her with prayer for recovery, but she declined.

I realised that devout Muslims often reject prayer from Christians. Next time, I shall approach in a different way for Muslims.

Went to the drink stall to get a drink and I had a WOK for one of the aunties - left shoulder area. She said its the right shoulder area instead. But the pain comes on and off and she didn't have the pain at that moment. Prayed for her anyway. She felt her shoulder become lighter.

More Jesus more.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Mass WOK

Gave four WOKs at TLA after closing up the session - Gospel of Mark Part 2.

Left heel
Right knee
Left neck to shoulder area
Spine problem

Three people responded to the first three. Got the people around them to pray. Healing took place in Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Minced Meat Noodles Stall

After CG QM, I went to Compassvale Point foodcourt to buy dinner home for my wife.

While waiting for my food at minced meat noodles stall, I had a WOK for the auntie - right foot, front part of her ankle.

Checked with her and she was kinda surprised. But I didn't manage to pray for her as she was the only one managing the stall. She said she was busy and thanked me.

Prayed for her in my heart anyway.

Walked to the escalator and prayed for a lady who fractured her left elbow. She was wearing a cast. Praise God that she is a believer too.

Indians Who Are Here For Vacation

Saw a group of guys taking photos outside Furama hotel.

I asked the Holy Spirit and He showed me a left shoulder problem. Went out of the hotel to approach them. Initially, I thought that they are from Blangadesh but one of the guys said that they are from India.

Had a short conversation with one of them and he asked me what I work as. I said, "I work in the church. By the way, does anyone of you have problem here (pointing to my left shoulder area near the deltoid)?" Immediately, he pointed to one of them and said, "He has."

This guy injured his left shoulder area for several months. Prayed and he could lift up his arm freely. Praise Jesus!

One by one, they came to me with problems.

Right arm injury - partially healed.

Gall stones in stomach - prayed but can't check.

Neck problem - prayed but can't check.

Back problem for one year - prayed and he gave a surprise look - "Wow. It is now loosened!" Such look is always priceless. Jesus is so good!

Unfortunately, they were rushing off as their coach was waiting. I told them, "Jesus heals you and bless you!" One of them said, "Yes, Jesus!" 

Took a photo of the two of them.

Father, reveal Your Son to them. Amen.

Furama Hotel (Havelock Rd)

Reached Furama hotel for CGL Quarterly Meeting.

Had a WOK for one of the two bell boys - left ankle. Checked with him.

Me: You have a problem with your ankle?
He: Yes.
Me: Left ankle?
He: Yes, because I have flat foot and it sprains easily.
Me: Only the left one right?
He: Yes.

Wanted to pray for him but he declined. He's a pious Muslim, who doesn't accept Christian prayer.

I spoke to his Muslim friend (the other bell boy) and I realised how their view of God has shaped them so differently. They believe that God is the one who gives them pain. If He wants to take it away, He will.

Had a conversation with him and I learnt more about Muslim beliefs.

Had another WOK and went to approach two other staff at the reception counter. They said that it's the Muslim bell boy that I spoke to who has the problem.

Tried to be thick-skinned and went to him again to see if I can pray for him. But like his friend with the left ankle issue, he declined.

God, bless them anyway, that they may know You as their Father who loves them.

Friday 14 November 2014

Driver Who Holds Two Jobs

Received a WOK and prayed for the driver's right ankle. He said he had injured it long time ago and it might have resulted in rheumatism.

He couldn't test the difference on the spot as his pain would come around 2-3am. Trusting God for his complete healing.

He's a free thinker but he shared that if he is free, he may visit my church.

SMRT Staff

Arrived at LRT platform and saw the SMRT staff - an auntie.

"Holy Spirit, let's love and bless her."

Received a WOK concerning her right knee.

She asked me how I knew it. I said that I'm a Christian. Apparently, she is, too. She's from Paya Lebar MC.

Prayed for her. She couldn't tell the difference yet as her pain comes on and off due to osteoporosis.

Grant her complete healing, Lord.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Knees & Back

Just arrived home from LCEC meeting.

Had a WOK for the driver - left knee. He was caught by surprise. He shared that it's actually both his knees. He would have pain if he walks for a distance or when he plays badminton.

Prayed for him twice and he felt the improvement. He also had lower back problem due to an injury long ago. Prayed and he was very happy that he didn't feel any pain/ache after that.

He was so thankful that he actually bowed to me. I shared about Jesus but he's a Buddhist. Jesus loves him anyway.


This afternoon, I had a WOK for a lady - left arm, rheumatism.

I asked her if she had pain on her left arm, she said, "No." I responded, "I thought you have."

Then she shared, "When the aircon is too cold, I get the pain on both my arms."

I replied, "Isn't that rheumatism?"

She said, "I think so."

Prayed for her. She's a free thinker but she gladly stretched out her hand to let me pray.

Sometimes, non-believers are more believing than believers.

Sunday 9 November 2014

God Is Humorous

I'm not into miracles, signs and wonders. I'm into seeing people healed, set free and encounter God's love so that they want Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

With so many bags of stuff (bread, cakes, etc.) to carry home from mum-in-law's place, my wife, Jeshua and I took a cab home.

I thought I received a WOK concerning the driver's right foot. When asked, he said, "Why leh?"

I replied, "You have it, right?"

He was surprised, "How did you know?"

My wife replied for me, "Because Jesus cares for you."

However, to the uncle, he thought that 'right foot' is 'right lower back'. He explained, "I injured my lower back while helping a customer to carry stuff more than a month ago."

God is so humorous. I received a WOK concerning the driver's right foot. Yet for the driver, his understanding of right foot was different. Well, God encountered him anyway haha.

Told him to drive us to the lobby area so that I could pray for him. Prayed for him while my wife told Jeshua what I was doing. Prayed twice and he said, "No more pain."

He's a free thinker but I told him that Jesus loves you regardless of your belief.

And yes... I'm still having a throbbing tooth. Arghh...

Church Member - Deafness

A church member came to approach me today. He had been with the church for 30 over years.

He said that he had problem listening with both his ears. His left ear was almost completely deaf. His hearing became so bad that he felt like stopping church altogether, because he couldn't hear the sermons anyway.

He then shared with me that few months ago, when I was speaking on the stage, he could suddenly hear (but not complete healing). I guess that was when I preached in main service in May, because that was the only time.

Since then, he had wanted to approach me to pray for him for complete restoration of both his ears but he was shy to do so.

Today, he saw me at the missions carnival and he approached me.

Prayed for both his ears and he saw an improvement. Then I told him, "Let's see what God does."

He said that if he gets healed, he will give me a call.

Am trusting God for complete restoration of his ears.

Pavilion At Tampines

Was walking to mum-in-law's place when I went past a group of domestic helpers sitting in the nearby pavilion.

Received a WOK concerning a right knee. Decided to walk back to them.

Me: Are you all from Philippines?

They: Yes.

Me: One of you has pain on your right knee.

She: Yes. Why?

Me: Are all of you Catholics?

They: Yes.

Me: I'm a Christian and like all of you, I believe in Jesus. I was walking to my mum-in-law's place when I heard the Lord saying that one of you has pain on your right knee. So I'm here to pray for you to be healed.

She: Wow.

Apparently she (lady in pink top) had pain on both her knees for few months. She felt pain whenever she squatted. Prayed for her and she was completely healed. She squatted and was very surprised that there was no more pain. Immediately, she told her friends about it.

I asked the rest if they needed physical healing. The lady in green top said she had pain at her left shoulder. Prayed and she was healed. Pain was gone.

The lady (in black top) on the furthest right had lower back problem for few months. I asked one of them to lay hand on her back and we prayed. Her pain was gone but she said that she would test out further because the pain usually comes when she stands or walks for a long time.

Found out that they had attended Holy Trinity Catholic Church earlier. Told them that Jesus loves them and thanked them for serving Singaporeans.

MRT To Tampines

Boarded the train from Toa Payoh to Tampines to visit my mum-in-law. Am down with a toothache & slight headache. Prayed but haven't gone away. Gonna press on.

Prayed for an uncle who was sitting on the wheelchair. He had a stroke 8 years ago and it left him unable to walk as his left leg has no strength. Didn't ask him to stand up and try as we were in the train.

There was a group of Indonesians standing around me. Received a WOK for one of them - left foot (interesting - kept having left foot these two days).

She didn't want to be prayed for as she's shy. The rest of her friends were telling her to let me pray. Before they could persuade her more, they had arrived at Tanah Merah.

God, I want to represent You more and more everywhere I go.

Muslim Lady

Spoke to a Muslim lady in her 50s. Received a WOK concerning her left foot.

When asked, she said it's her right foot (I was not so accurate but it's still the foot haha). Apparently, she met with a traffic accident many years ago and she had undergone a surgery. Now her right one was shorter than her left.

She had to go but I got down her contact number as she stays in Sengkang. She is willing to meet me again so that I can pray for her leg.

Yay Jesus! Encounter her when we meet again!

Saturday 8 November 2014

Two Muslims At Bus Stop

Was waiting for my wife at the bus stop with Jeshua as she went home to put some stuff we bought from the supermarket.

We were going to Punggol Plaza foodcourt for dinner.

Saw two Muslims and had a WOK for one of them concerning the right foot. Went to approach them. The lady asked, "Why leh?"

I said, "You have, right?" She nodded. Prayed for her but didn't manage to check how she was doing because both my wife and the bus came and we had to board it.

Encounter her, Jesus.

Thursday 6 November 2014

On A Driver's Blessing Tour

Finally got to spend some couple time with my wife.

I'm off today and wanted to go Little India to bless the Indians but I still have work to do - preparation for the Gospel of Mark. Decided to work until my wife knocked off from school.

Met her for late lunch and coffee before we went to pick Jeshua from his nanny. It was raining and my wife proposed that we take a cab home as it would cost $4 plus only.

While collecting back my change, I asked the uncle, "You have problem with your left hand?"

He said, "It's rheumatism."

Me: Only left hand right?

He: Yes.

Prayed for him without asking for permission. He couldn't tell the difference as there was no ache at that moment.

Heal him, Lord, that he may know You.

Maybe one of my assignments is to bless cab drivers.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

What A Day!

Jeshua is still having a fever. So I applied for childcare leave today as I needed to bring him to his pediatrician.

I mixed up the timing which I needed to be queuing at the pediatric clinic at Rivervale Mall, Sengkang. I thought I had to be there by 8.30am. But my wife told me that I needed to be there by 8.15am to queue.

As such, I had to take a cab though it was a short distance from my place. Received a WOK for the driver regarding his right arm.

Me: You have problem with your right arm?

He: Why do you ask?

Me: You have a problem there right?

He: Why do you ask leh?

Me: I'm a Christian. I worship Jesus and He told me that you have this problem.

He: Serious?

Me: Yes. And when I pray for you, you will be well.

He: Oh okay.

Me: Are you a Christian?

He: No. I am not sure if Jesus will accept me as I have done many wrongs in the past. My friend told me that a Christian can pray anywhere, is that right?

Me: Jesus accepts you no matter how many wrongs you have done in the past. He loves you. And yes, you can pray anywhere if Jesus is in your heart.

We had a short conversation as it was a very short journey. I asked him if he could stop somewhere (instead of the clinic) so that I could pray for his arm. He drove to a nearby carpark opposite the pediatric clinic.

Prayed for his arm and he felt that the tightness became loosened. He said that he also had back problem. He got out of the car and let me pray for his back and he felt his back loosened up too. I told him that he would be well. Then I told him, "Jesus is the One who heals you. He loves you very much. Do you want to have this Jesus in your heart?"

He nodded.

I led him to receive Christ. Initially, I was worried as I didn't know how to pray in Mandarin. I was glad that he told me that he usually speaks in English. As I prayed, he repeated after me. He then shared with me that he felt relaxed. I said, "Jesus has come into your heart. Now you can pray to Him wherever you are."

He thanked me and asked me which church I go to. I invited him to come to TPMC as I would usually be there everyday for work.

Thank You Jesus for encountering this driver! One more soul in the kingdom! Multitudes of angels are rejoicing in heaven! Hallelujah!

I believe that someone had sown the seed of the Gospel in this driver. I merely brought him another step to make the decision to receive Jesus. Through these few days, I am reminded that I should bring my name cards along so that I can give to people, should they want to contact me or attend TPMC.

Oh yes, I ended up reaching the clinic at 8.25am instead. Hope my wife doesn't "kill" me after knowing what has happened :p
After queuing at the clinic, I went to withdraw money from the ATM. Meanwhile, my wife was messaging me and I was replying her messages. I'm someone who can't multitask. Guess what? I actually took back my ATM card but I forgot to take my money from the ATM!!! When I went back after realising it, the money was gone! This was the first time such thing happened in my life! I just couldn't multitask.

I was a little upset for a while as it wasn't just a small amount. But I decided to switch to thanksgiving. I thanked God that the person who took it was blessed. I thanked God that even though I lost it, the person had gained the blessing. I prayed for him that he and his family would be blessed too. All of a sudden, joy filled my heart. I want to grow and be more and more like Jesus. There is no point grumbling about it.

Went to buy breakfast to bring home. As the auntie was preparing the noodles, I had a WOK concerning her right wrist. Checked with her and she said that she would feel the pain and sore when she is resting, but not when she is working. When she passed me the change (money), I laid hand on her wrist and spoke a quick prayer over her. I'm trusting that God would heal her and she would experience His love.

As I was walking towards the bus stop to board a bus home, I saw an auntie walking towards me. She was wearing a knee guard on her right knee. Went up to her and asked if it was arthritis. She nodded. Laid hand and prayed. She felt better as she tested it out. Told her that Jesus loves her.

The journey back home was filled with so much joy that I couldn't contain it. I think Jesus must be elated each time He saw people set free and healed. Every day, there is an opportunity to be a blessing to someone in our lives. We just have to know that Jesus is living right inside us and He loves to touch people.

Free-Thinker Driver

Last night, I took a cab home after CGO meeting. Jeshua was still down with fever and I wanted to be home with him as much as I could, especially when I had been away for missions for the past few days. If I were to take the train, it would take me an hour and he would be sleeping by then. Anyway, it's my way of blessing any cab driver financially, physically and spiritually. I love cab drivers because they can't escape from Jesus when I talk to them.

Had a WOK concerning his right hand and neck.

Me: Do you have neck problem?

He: No... Actually yes. It comes on and off.

Me: And you also have problem with your right hand?

He: Eh? How come you know?

Me: I'm a Christian. I worship Jesus like you worship god (I saw a Buddha sculpture in his car). I talk to Him and He talks to me. He tells me that you have these problems.

He: (Surprised). Actually, I'm a free thinker. I think Christians shouldn't force people to Christ.

Me: Ya. We shouldn't force anyone. This kind of thing cannot be forced.

We continued with our conversation. Apparently, he is 75 years old and will have to retire from driving taxi in few months' time. He shared that he had a friend who was very sick in the hospital at one period and the friend's nephew kept persuading him to receive Christ every day. This taxi driver felt that the Christian shouldn't keep forcing his uncle.

I understood where the nephew was coming from and the driver too. Nonetheless, I didn't want to explain or debate. There is no point using reasoning to draw someone to Christ. It's always better to let the Holy Spirit do His job.

I purposely got the driver to drop me near my lift lobby so that I could minister to him. I had a word for him - "He is a very brilliant person. He is good with Mathematics stuff. He is someone who is not calculative though and he can easily overlook the mistake of others." This is what I felt the Holy Spirit saying. But I realised that I forgot to mention this to him after I alighted.

Prayed for his neck and right hand. His right fingers were also painful due to a nerve issue from upper back (near neck) to the right hand. He had been suffering with these for many years and he had seen many Western and Chinese doctors but there was no improvement. Prayed twice and he felt the improvement. By faith, I told him that he's going to get better and better.

He then asked me for my name and the church I attend. Told him that it's Toa Payoh Methodist Church and I work there in the English department.

He said that he would come to the church and find me as he stays in Toa Payoh.

When the Holy Spirit reveals Himself, even a free thinker who has doubts about Christianity will be drawn to Jesus. The uncle could say whatever he wanted but when the Holy Spirit touched him, his mind and heart would have to change.

Thank You Lord for touching him!

Ephesians 5:16 says that we are to make the most of every opportunity we have for doing good. In another translation, it says "... walk circumspectly... redeeming the time..."

In other words, when we make use of an opportunity we have for doing good, we are redeeming the time. People are an opportunity for us to do good, i.e. healing and blessing them. When we do that, they will be drawn a step closer to the Lord. This reduces the time they need to come to Jesus. It is redeeming the time!

Waitress At Soup Restaurant

Last evening, we had CGO meeting at the Soup Restaurant, Toa Payoh. This is to thank all the CG Overseers for their contribution and service unto the Lord for  taking care of various CGs under them.

I went slightly earlier. Two waitresses came to serve. I asked the Holy Spirit for a WOK for either one of them. He told me that one of them had ankle issue. I thought I saw an image of right ankle. As I looked at both of them, I felt drawn to the older waitress.

Went up to ask her if she had problem with her ankle. She initially said, "No." I pointed to my ankle and asked again. She then replied, "Actually I have. It comes on and off. But there is no pain now." She pointed to her left ankle. Apparently, I got it wrong concerning the side of the ankle. But it's still the ankle anyway.

Offered to pray for her but she declined, saying that she's working. I am a little "aggressive" in this area. So I persisted and told her that when she came to our table again, I would just say a prayer within seconds. She agreed.

Prayed for her. She couldn't test out as she didn't have pain at that moment. I'm trusting the Lord to heal her completely.

I got to know that she's also a Christian from Church of God.

Sunday 2 November 2014


Just took a cab home as I was tired after a long meeting that ended at 5pm.

Haven't been sleeping well for the past five nights due to a persistent cough. Prayed many times but I'm still coughing. But it doesn't change the truth that God's will is to heal. This doesn't stop me from going around to heal the sick. My cough doesn't determine my identity. Neither does it change the truth in God's Word. God heals. Period.

Tired but wanted to bless the driver. Asked for a WOK and received a vision of him bending his left arm up and down. It had to do with his elbow area.

Checked with him and he was surprised that I knew. Shared with him about Jesus. He said that he had a growth in the inner part of the elbow (not visible on the outside). There is no pain though, except when he leans his elbow on something for long.

Prayed for him anyway. He also had a lump near his left toe. Prayed and told him (by faith) that it would get smaller and smaller.

He asked me which church I attend and he might come on one of the Sundays. He's a free thinker.

Holy Spirit, draw him to Jesus. Amen!

Saturday 1 November 2014

Flight Back To Singapore

On our way back to Singapore, I had a WOK for a Caucasian lady on the flight. It had to do with stiffness or pain at her right shoulder.

Checked with her and she confirmed it. Prayed for her and got her to test out. Not sure if she was instantly healed because she said that she had this problem on and off.

Apparently, she and her husband have been with WEC International for 50 years and they are coming to Singapore to recruit missionaries. The husband is the Chairman of WEC New Zealand. They are the ones who started WEC Singapore 30 years ago. Amazing!

Glad to know them :)

Chairman Of Laohu Churches

Yesterday, we checked with the guy who had sharp pain at his back area for few months to see how he was doing. He shared that he still had no more pain. Praise Jesus!

Apparently, he is the chairman of Laohu (tribe) churches. He oversees many churches in that tribe. Now that he is healed, he is very excited to bring the message of healing to his people. In the past, he would pray for the sick without any expectation. Now that he has experienced God's power and healing, he is going to pray with expectation.

Very encouraged to hear this.

Friday 31 October 2014

Coffee Stall Lady

We went back to a small coffee stall at the village area to buy coffee. Had a WOK concerning the lady's right ankle area. Tried speaking Thai with her but she didn't understand what I was saying.

Our missionary helped me to translate. She confirmed that she had pain but she didn't want me to pray for her as she was a Buddhist.

Forgot to inform our missionary not to tell her that I would be praying but rather, to tell her that I could help her get well.

Training The Leaders & Pastors

After Pastor Reuben taught in the morning sessions, I continued from where he left off.

Touched on the power of the Holy Spirit and healing as a tool for reaching the lost before getting the local pastors and leaders to be baptised with the Holy Spirit. Then I got them to heal the sick among themselves.

Had a WOK for someone with problem from neck to shoulder area. She stood up. Another guy had back problem for few months and he also stood up.

The locals prayed for the one with neck problem and she felt better. When the guy with back problem was prayed for, he shared that his whole body was feeling very warm. I told him that it was the manifestation of God's healing. As he didn't feel any better, I told him to come to the front. We checked his legs and both were quite even. Nevertheless, we prayed for him.

He said, "When you held my legs up, it was so painful that I wanted to cry. But as you prayed, the tension at my legs and back was loosened. I felt much better."

He went to walk around and tested his back and both the legs (he experienced pain too). When he came back, he shared his testimony. The sharp pain he had for few months was gone! Praise Jesus!

We then got the rest who were sick to stand. I asked the locals to pray for them. A couple of healings took place! They were so encouraged. One by one began to share his/her testimony.

Glad to be able to be used by God to equip them for power evangelism.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Owner Of Guest House

Went to have a conversation with the owner of the guest house as he could speak in Mandarin.

Had a WOK concerning his right neck. When I asked him, he paused and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Yes. And also high blood pressure."

Prayed for him twice and he could rotate his neck freely. He felt better and asked, "What kind of treatment is that?"

I said, "I simply prayed for you. I'm from the Church in Singapore."

He nodded his head.

We had a short conversation and he told me that he was a refugee from Myanmar. I think life must be very hard for him and his family. Thankfully, they managed to set up a guest house here. Most of the guests are from China and a few from Taiwan. They are usually here to look at the schools. We are the rare Singaporeans because nobody would want to come to this village area for holiday.

Evangelism goes with us where we go.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

On Flight To Chiangmai

Boarded the flight towards Chiangmai.

Two ladies sat in front of us. I asked the Holy Spirit and received a WOK - neck problem.

I typed it into my phone and showed them the message.

They confirmed it. The lady on the left had neck problem for many years. It was apparently caused by disc issue at L4 & L5 area.

Prayed for her twice. Surprised, she looked at her niece (on her right) and smiled, while nodding her head. She felt so much better.

I shared about Jesus with them.

They were Buddhists and they were on a trip to worship at a temple in Chiangmai.

I pray that this God-encounter has sown a seed of the Gospel in their hearts. Once the seed is sown, the plow is on it's way. Amen!

Cab To Airport

On my way to airport, I had a WOK for the driver - neck problem. But as it wasn't so clear, I did not give it.

When I asked the Holy Spirit, I thought I received about his left knee. When I gave it to him, I got it wrong. The first one was correct instead.

He said, "I have no problem with my left knee but my neck."

He went for operation for his neck before due to an accident. Prayed for him anyway. Glad to know that he's a Christian too.

When I get a WOK wrong, I can learn from it and grow to be sharper. Thank You Jesus for teaching me.

Sunday 26 October 2014

Bossini Sales Assistant

Was at Compass Point with my wife and son for dinner. While my wife was buying yogurt for my son, I received a WOK for the Bossini sales assistant - left knee.

Went up to him and he confirmed it. But he wasn't open for me to pray as he's a Muslim.

Jesus bless him :)

Missions Training

At missions training this afternoon, I covered very briefly on power evangelism, healing and word of knowledge.

I gave a few word of knowledge and two of them responded. One with persistent and recurring back problem while the other with pain from left shoulder to neck area.

Got the participants to pray and lay hands on the two of them.

The one with back problem had her left leg grown out by 1.5cm. She felt her back loosened. Her back problem will leave completely in Jesus' name.

The one with pain from left shoulder to neck area was 70% healed.

And these were done by the participants!

Got them to practise WOK. One received a WOK about hearing problem while the other received about stomach issue. Both were bingo and we prayed for the two people who had these issues.

It's a joy to equip others for kingdom work because every believer is supposed to represent Jesus in love and power.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Taste & See + Soccer Boys

At Taste & See earlier, a lady with crooked spine went forward for prayer. After she received prayer, I went after her, hoping to collect her testimony.

She said that she felt better but the backache was still there. I asked her what her spine problem was and she said that it was scoliosis.

Got her to sit down. Her left leg was shorter. Prayed and it grew out. Got her to stretch out both her arms. Her left arm was shorter. Prayed and it grew out. I guess it was a C-shaped spine. Prayed for her spine and back. She tested out and said that her backache was gone. I asked her to let me know how it goes by calling the church again.

As I was returning home, I saw 2 youths and 3 children playing soccer at the pavilion near my house. Received a WOK concerning one of their left ankles. I asked them and a Chinese child confirmed it.

He sprained his left ankle weeks ago. Prayed for him twice and he got completely healed. He also had pain at his two left toes. Prayed for him and he felt much better - not complete healing though. On top of all these, his left shin was a little swollen from injury. Prayed and felt heat flowing through. He said, "It's warm and I can feel the heat."

Then I shared with three of them about Jesus. The other two Muslim youths were playing with the ball. These three were children - 1 Muslim and 2 Chinese. The one who received healing said, "Power lah!" And he kept thanking me. I told them that it's Jesus who healed and Jesus loves them very much.

The seed of the Gospel was sown. I trust that God will cause it to grow until they come to know Him. Amen!

Thursday 23 October 2014

Fish Soup Stall (Punggol) - Follow-Up

I am down today as I have caught my son and wife's flu.

Went to the same fish soup stall (as on 14 Oct) to get noodles and I asked the owner's wife if his gastric issue still persisted, because he wasn't around.

She said, "I think he is doing fine now because he doesn't complain about it anymore."

Gastric healed in the name of Jesus! Hallelujah!

Wednesday 22 October 2014

A Thought

Today, I had a thought and I believe that it was from God.

1) Often, I would receive a WOK for a person when I ask the Holy Spirit. When it's a spot on, I can share about Jesus, pray for healing and share about Jesus again.

2) Sometimes, I don't receive any WOK when I ask the Holy Spirit. I should then ask the person if he has any pain in his body or need any healing for his body. I can pray for healing and share about Jesus.

3) If there is not enough time to ask the Holy Spirit, I can ask the person if he has any pain or need any healing for his body.

Awesome thought! Thank You Jesus!

Tuesday 21 October 2014

CBTL Manager

Managed to pray for the CBTL manager after she knocked off from work today.

I asked my colleague to help me video it. Her left leg grew out slowly.

Me: Did you feel anything?

She: I felt like electricity going into my leg.

Her back should be healed. She couldn't test out as she didn't have pain at that point in time.

We also prayed for her heart and stomach. Trusting God to grant her full manifestation of the healing. Amen.

Aircon Servicing Guys

Went to the toilet when I saw two guys servicing the aircons in one of our church worship halls.

I asked the Holy Spirit how I could bless them. Received a WOK for the guy - right calf/shin area.

Walked into the hall and asked where they are from. One is from India while the other Blangadesh.

I asked the Indian guy, "You have problem here?" (Pointing to my right leg).

He hesitated a while. I said, "You have, right?"

He replied, "Yes. Sometimes." Prayed for him and got him to stamp his foot. There was no pain at that moment so he couldn't verify. I trust that he will be healed.

Asked the Blangadeshi if he has any problem. He told me that he has lower back problem. He came down from the ladder and I prayed for him. Got him to test out by bending down and turning to his sides. He's healed and he thanked me.

Told them that Jesus loves them. Hallelujah!

Monday 20 October 2014

Thai Guy

Was walking from Circle Line to North East Line at Serangoon when I saw a guy limping with a walking stick.

Went after him and asked him if I could bless him with a prayer. Found out that he's a Thai.

He said that he had fractured his knee and ankle four weeks ago.

Prayed for him and got him to test out without the walking stuck. He was surprised that he felt better and lighter.

He said, "Oh this is impossible!"

I prayed again. Told him that Jesus loves him and that I trust that he will be completely healed. He was very thankful.

I know that it is impossible for me to lay hand on the sick without anything happening. God has promised that in Mark 16.

When the seed of healing is sown into the sick, it will grow like a mustard seed. Sometimes, the person is fully healed immediately. Sometimes, he is fully healed on the same day. Sometimes, he is fully healed when he wakes up the next day. The key is for us not to be affected by what we see. Focus on Him and His finished work. Amen.

Sunday 19 October 2014

Sales Lady - Luggage

We went to Plaza Singapura for dinner before purchasing a family luggage for the trip to Taiwan. As I was making payment, I asked the Holy Spirit for a WOK to bless the sales lady. He showed me her front left ankle.

I asked her, "Is your left leg in pain?"

She replied, "Yes. How do you know?"

I added, "It's at the front part of the ankle, right?"

She answered, "Yes. How do you know?!"

"I'm a Christian. I believe in Jesus. He is God and He tells me that. Can I pray for you?"

Prayed for her. Was expecting complete healing but she received partial healing. Nonetheless, the seed of healing and love is sown. I'm trusting God for full manifestation of His healing as she goes home. Thank You Jesus!

Friday 17 October 2014

Drunk Man

An Indian guy came into the church and he just needed people to talk to. My colleague was attending to him before I took over. Spoke with him and realised that he had been in and out of prison due to drugs and other stuff. He had gone to halfway house and came out of it. Kept losing his jobs because of his addiction to gambling and drinking.

As I was talking to him, I received a WOK about his left ankle and back problem. Checked with him and he confirmed it. He had pain on his left ankle and his back was messed up - metal plates were inserted.

Prayed for his ankle and he felt better. Prayed for his back. Prayed also for both his knees as he had arthritis. Got him to test out by walking. He could walk much better and faster. Praise Jesus!

He said that he had diabetes, hypertension, high blood and high cholestrol. Prayed for him.

He's a believer, but his life is still messed up. May Jesus help him break free from addictions and health issues.

The Coffee Bean Manager

I read my SMSes when I woke up this morning. The CBTL manager whom I spoke to on 13 Oct messaged me late last night when I was sleeping. She confirmed that her right leg is longer, which means her left leg is shorter. That's a confirmation of the WOK I received for her.

Will be finding an opportunity to pray for her. Yay Jesus!

Thursday 16 October 2014

TTSH Again

Two of my colleagues and I went to TTSH to pray for the sick during lunch.

I ministered to an Indian man who was on the wheelchair. He had a lot of issues - he broke his left ankle (had screws and metal plates in it), broke his right thigh, had crooked spine, shoulder problem and sharp pain at his right thumb.

Prayed for his ankle and he felt better. Prayed for it a few times and it got better. Prayed for his thigh and he could raise higher. He told me to pray for his shoulder and he felt the difference. I asked if he had crooked spine and he said "Yes". Prayed and his spine was straightened. Prayed for his thumb but there wasn't much improvement.

He asked me which church I attend as he wasn't a Christian. Told him and passed his my number. He said that he would call me as he might visit. Praise Jesus!

There was a male nurse attending to him. I had a WOK for this nurse - back problem. Prayed for him. He couldn't tell the difference as the back problem came on and off and he didn't have pain at that moment.

More Jesus!

Dell Guy

My colleague arranged for a Dell technician to come to the office yesterday because my DVD-rom wasn't working.

Received a WOK for his back and he said that it's his upper back. Prayed for him and he said that he felt better but there was a little bit left.

Got to know that he's attending Hope Church :)

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Fish Soup Stall (Punggol)

Both my wife and son were sick today. I went to the fish soup stall near my house to buy fish porridge for them. Received a WOK - an image of a belly and an impression 'gastric'.

I asked the middle-aged couple and the uncle said, "Yes, I have gastric issue on and off."

Me: Can I have your hand? I'll pray for you.

He gave me his hand and I prayed for him.

Jesus, I trust that he is healed.

The next time when I go, I will check with him and share the Gospel with him.

Coffee Bean

Yesterday, I was with my colleague and pastor-in-charge at CBTL, Toa Payoh Central. We were there to plan the pulpit calendar for 2015.

I received a WOK for the CBTL manager - left leg. When I checked with her, she said that she didn't have. However, she had back problem. I told her that I would pray for her after the meeting.

After the meeting, we went up to her but she was busy. So I got her name card because I would like to pray for her one of these days.

I texted her in the evening and asked, "Is this back problem a frequent and longstanding issue?" She replied, "Yes."

As I felt that it had to do with the WOK concerning her left leg, I told her to check out her left leg when she got home. She would have to rest her back against the wall and stretch out both her legs to check if her left leg is shorter/longer.

Waiting for her response. Touch her, O Lord.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Indonesia Auntie

While queuing to buy dinner home from NEX, I saw an Indo auntie wearing a wrist guard.

Spoke to her and found out that she had wrist injury. Prayed for her thrice and she saw significant improvement. "Only left with a little bit," she said.

As she had to go, I told her that Jesus loves her very much.

I want to live a 24/7 Christian lifestyle. The Holy Spirit in me never shuts down. Hallelujah!

Muslim Guy

On my way to a church today, I spoke to a Muslim driver. He was asking me about the brand of perfume I used. Shared with him and passed him the namecard of the perfume shop. And I received a WOK.

I: By the way, do you have neck issue?

He: Yes. How you know?

I: I am a Christian. I talk to Jesus. He talks to me and He tells me about your neck. He wants you well and healed because He loves you.

He: Oh ok.

I: I would like to bless you later for your neck to be well.

He: Thank you.

I: Are you a Muslim in practice? Do you go to the mosque?

He: Yes. I pray five times a day and go to the mosque on Friday.

I: So you also fast?

He: Yes I fast.

I: I also fast regularly.

He: Fasting has good health benefits too.

I: Yes. So you also read Quran?

He: Yes. I also read abit of the Bible.

I was thinking in my heart - "This guy is a hardcore Muslim..."

He started sharing with me about his interpretation of who Jesus is based on Old Hebrew Bible and Quran. He has pretty good knowledge of the Bible.

While I was thinking of debating with him, I felt the Holy Spirit saying, "Do not use intellect reasoning with him. Tell him that he doesn't have much peace within despite that he's been trying to find peace through prayer. Because peace is a Person - Jesus Christ."

I arrived at my destination. Prayed for his neck and he got completely healed. As I had to go, I got down his mobile number, hoping to follow up on him.

Jesus, touch this guy (Rafi). I pray that he will know you personally. Amen!

Friday 10 October 2014

Cool - WOK

Last evening, my wife and I took a cab from Jeshua's nanny's place as it is near our home. We were late in picking him so we didn't want to spend more time traveling back home.

While talking to the driver, I had a WOK - left ankle area due to back problem. This was the first time it involved more details.

I conversed with the driver until we were near our place. Then I asked, "Do you have problem with your left leg?"

He replied, "Yes."

I: Is it the ankle area?

He: Yes, in fact, it's the whole left leg.

I: And your left leg problem is caused by your back problem because you can't walk properly and the strain has come upon your left leg.

He: Yes!

Wanted to pray for him but there was a car behind us waiting for the cab to go. We had no choice but to alight.

Man, I should have asked him to go somewhere else so that I could pray for him. A lesson learnt for future.