Saturday 6 December 2014

Suntec City Encounters

Was having dessert with wifey at a small stall at Suntec City while Jeshua was taking a nap. Went up to pray for cleaner lady who was limping. She said that she had dislocated her knee one year ago and it hasn't recovered. Prayed and she felt better. She attends a Catholic church.

An uncle sitting nearby saw what I was doing and he kept looking at me. I asked him if he needed healing and he pointed to his left knee. Prayed and he felt better. I had a WOK this morning during devotion about him - left knee, caused by accident. Apparently, he met with an accident three years ago which resulted in this injury. He also pointed to his lower back to thigh area and said that there was pain due to that accident.

Prayed and his left leg grew out a little in alignment with the right one. Prayed for his lower back and got him to test out. He exclaimed, "Oh! Ok now!" Jesus healed him. He thanked me while I talked to him about Jesus.

I am very glad that my wifey has been very open for me to minister to people in the public when I'm with her.

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