Thursday 18 December 2014

Youth Camp - Treasure Hunt

The youths were equipped with the know-how of treasure hunt last night.

This morning, we headed to Yishun to reach out and find each group's treasure.

My group found our treasure. She wore blue jeans, red sandals and was drinking coffee. Her need was knee problem. Prayed for her and there was very little pain left. As she was mute, we communicated via text messages. Wanted to pray for her muteness but she had to leave for KL.

Went to join another group as they needed help. While walking towards Kopitiam foodcourt, I had a WOK - left arm for an uncle sitting at a round bench. He confirmed it. Prayed and he received healing. He had pain on his right arm and right knee too. Prayed and he got healed. He started testifying to the rest of the old folks sitting there. I asked if anyone needed healing but they shared that they didn't need. This uncle is a free-thinker but his wife is a Catholic. Spoke to him about Jesus.

As we were sitting at the foodcourt waiting for our treasure to appear, I had a WOK for an auntie sitting beside our table. It was left arm again.

Checked with her and she asked, "How come you know?" Talked to her about Jesus, prayed for her and she felt that the tightness was gone. Prayed also for her mother who was sitting on a wheelchair. As I was praying, I noticed that a Malay lady was observing me from a distance away. She was eating her lunch.

I went to approach her and asked if she had any pain. She shared that her left arm was really painful. Prayed twice and she felt the heat flowing into her arm. She got better but not completely healed yet. Trusting God for her complete healing!

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