Wednesday 3 December 2014

Three Encounters

Prayed for a salesman's knees at Courts and he received immediate partial healing.

Was at Punggol Plaza for dinner. While buying chicken rice, I had a WOK for the young chap - neck problem. When asked, he nodded and showed me where the pain was. Prayed and he said, "Song (loosened) liao..." Told him that I actually prayed for him in Jesus' name.

After dinner, we went to the airport to collect Jeshua's stroller, which we had forgotten to collect from the luggage belt last week. As the security officer escorted me to the office (inside the hall), I asked her, "You have a problem with your neck?"

She replied, "Why you ask?"

"You have, right?"

She: How did you know?

Me: You worship Hindu god. I worship Jesus. He told me that you have this.

By now she was really stunned by how Jesus knew about her problem. Prayed for her neck. She told me that her migraine caused her to have neck pain. Prayed for her and she was healed.

She continued to be amazed by God's goodness.

Yes, I'm, too, amazed by His goodness! Hallelujah!

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