Friday 12 December 2014


God spoke to me this morning during devotion that I would meet a lady with right foot issue today. Well, I didn't get out of the office to the streets at all. But in the evening, as I was praying in the church library, God suddenly reminded me of this WOK. In fact, He revealed who the person is - Sharon, my colleague haha.

I texted her and she confirmed the problem. Didn't get to pray for her as she left before I came back from library.

Took a cab back after night prayer meeting. God revealed two WOKs - back of neck and left ankle for the driver. When I asked him, he said that he sprained his right ankle before but he is fine now. He also shared that he was unable to rotate his neck due to stiffness but he is fine now.

This is interesting... Why did God show me his past injuries?

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