Friday 26 December 2014

Revelation Comes When We Desire To Do God's Will - Why We Don't See Healing

John 7:17 (AMP) - If any man desires to do His will (God’s pleasure), he will know (have the needed illumination to recognize, and can tell for himself) whether the teaching is from God...

I believe that if we desire to do God's will, He will reveal the truth to us through the Word of God.

I was preparing my sermon for this Sunday as I would be preaching at a youth group from an independent church. I read Romans 12:2 again.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Most of us read, quote and confess the first part of the Scripture. But we miss out the second part, which is the most important part. We can only prove the perfect will of God to the extent in which our mind is renewed.

The perfect will of God includes divine health and healing. In other words, when I pray for someone and he's not healed, it doesn't change the will of God (He is the same yesterday, today and forever!). It only means that my own mind hasn't been renewed to that degree, such that I can prove the perfect will of God for healing. This is a hard saying which most people and even preachers won't agree. But I am fully convinced that this is truth.

Our mind can only be renewed to the level in which our heart believes. What does this mean? If my mind tells me, "I believe that cancer can be healed easily", but my heart doesn't believe, no matter how much I confess and pray, the cancer won't be gone.

On the contrary, if my mind tells me, "I don't believe healing cancer is so easy", but my heart believes (maybe because I have seen healings taking place), then the cancer will be gone when I pray.

Some may say, "What about praying for people with the same kind of sickness? Why is it that sometimes the person is healed while another person of the same sickness is not?" Well, again, it depends on how renewed our mind is at that point of praying. In other words, it depends on how much we believe in our heart at that point of praying. Our believing is not always constant at every point in time. That's why we need to keep renewing our mind daily.

I have seen 100% healing (by far) for those with crooked spine resulting in long-short legs. My mind in that area is renewed such that I believe when I pray, it will happen.

Jesus taught His disciples when they failed to cast out a demon in Mark 9. They couldn't help the demon-possessed boy. Jesus said to them in Mark 9:19 - He answered him and said, “O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him to Me.”

Jesus said to His disciples, "O faithless generation...." because the disciples are the ones who are supposed to release the kingdom and set the captives free. They are the ones empowered by Jesus to do so. Yet they failed to do it because of their lack of faith.

When the father of the boy came to Jesus for help. Jesus said to him in Mark 9:23 - Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”

All things are possible to him who believes. For Jesus, all things are possible because He believes. His mind is completely renewed. This is why He is transfigured at Mount Transfiguration. The word 'transfigured' is the same word used for 'renewing' of mind in Romans 12:2. He is so renewed in His mind that His whole body is glorious!

All things are not yet possible for us because we DON'T believe. Our mind hasn't been renewed fully.

Mark 11:23 says that if we believe in our heart, mountain will move. But when mountain (i.e. sickness) does not move, that's because we don't believe in our heart. Period.

Jesus doesn't need the father to believe. Mark 9:24 tells us that the father doesn't have faith for his son's healing. Jesus will stand believing, on behalf of the father. This tells us that when someone is sick (and doesn't have faith), we should be the ones to stand believing FOR them. The responsibility lies with the person administering healing. Again, this is a hard saying that many won't agree with.

Jesus cast out the demon from the boy. His disciples were curious and they asked Jesus privately, "Why doesn't it work for us? What's the secret?"

Jesus replied in Matthew 17:20 (same story) - "Because of your unbelief..."

Here lies the answer for why we don't see healing when we pray for someone - because of our unbelief. Our mind hasn't been renewed fully. In other words, our heart does not believe.

How then can we renew our mind and remove unbelief? Jesus gave the answer in Mark 9:29 - This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.

Traditionally, people will interpret "this kind" as "this kind of demon". Yet, Jesus did not pray and fast when He cast out this demon. The whole context is about the disciples' unbelief. It has nothing to do with the demon. Jesus is saying, "This kind - referring to unbelief - can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting."

It is not about the method of prayer and fasting. It's about intimacy with God such that we SEE what He sees. We SEE from His perspective. It's when we commune with Him to such an extent that we are fully persuaded of His goodness and greatness. This is how we renew our mind. This is how we remove unbelief. This is how our heart believes. This is how we prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. When that happens, ALL things are possible. All sicknesses and diseases shall be removed in Jesus' name!

Thank You for showing me this, Jesus! I'm still on a journey of having my mind renewed. Renew my mind, Jesus!

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