Tuesday 2 December 2014

Encounters At Ion Orchard

Went to the male toilet and saw an old cleaner guy. Had a wrong WOK for him but he told me that he had knee problems for many years due to old age.

Prayed for him without speaking so that he doesn't know that I'm praying in Jesus' name. He felt better and asked me what skill I've learnt.

I told him that I prayed in Jesus' name. Explained to him and prayed again. He said his knees became much lighter and better and kept thanking me. Told him that Jesus would make him well.

Next, I was at Bobbi Brown with my wifey as she needed to get her make-up stuff. While making payment, I had a WOK - right knee for the salesgirl.

Asked her how's her knee and she was surprised. "Why do you ask?"

Me: Do you have pain there?

She: How come you ask?

Me: It's the right one, right?

She: Yes. 

Her facial expression was priceless. "Erm... How come you know ah?"

Me: Are you a Muslim?

She: Yes.

Me: You worship Allah. I worship Jesus. He's God and He told me you have this problem. Can I help you take a look for free? I would like to help you so that you can serve and work better.

She was reluctant as her boss was around. I told her to put her own hand on her knee. I said a quick prayer.

Am trusting that healing is done.

A lot of times, all we need to do is to sow the seed of the Gospel. We don't always need to lead someone to say the sinner's prayer. In fact, saying the sinner's prayer doesn't get a person saved. It's really about what he/she believes in his/heart about Jesus.

Throughout the Gospel, I have never seen Jesus asking people to confess their sins, repent and pray the sinner's prayer. He only told the Pharisees and the religious leaders to repent. Why? Because of their unbelief.

Yet for the rest, He freely forgave them. He forgave the paralytic man of his sins even before the man repented (Mark 2). The man did not even confess his sins.

He forgave the woman caught in adultery (John 8). That woman did not even confess her sins. Neither did she repent.

Yet Jesus believed in both the paralytic man and the woman caught in adultery. He believed in them that they would believe in Him. Freely, He released forgiveness of their sins - which is literally salvation.

Throughout the Gospel, many followed Jesus because they encountered Him - through healing, deliverance, word of knowledge, etc.

What makes us think that the people whom we've touched won't place their trust in Jesus? The moment their hearts go, "Hmm... This Jesus can be the One whom I can trust", that's it.

Romans 10 says that when we believe in our hearts that Jesus is Lord, we are justified. It's about what we believe in our hearts about Jesus.

What we need to do is not to focus on leading people to say the salvation prayer. What we need is to represent Jesus well because everyone wants a King like Jesus, who is way too GOOD!

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