Monday 15 December 2014

Two Aircon Guys & Female Cleaner

Two aircon servicing guys came to church to change the filters today. I had a WOK for one of them - left shoulder.

He confirmed it but said that the right one was more painful. Prayed for him and he felt better. He asked me to pray for his left knee and calf too. Prayed a few times and he got better. But it wasn't complete yet.

The other guy asked me to pray for his respiratory problem. Prayed for him too.

Found out that one of them is from Blangadesh while the other from India. Both are Hindus though. Talked to them about Jesus. The first guy asked if we meditate like Hindus. Told him that we meditate on Jesus based on the Bible.

Seed is sown. Amen.

Walked towards the toilet and saw the Indian female cleaner. I had a WOK for her few days ago but didn't get to check with her. Asked her about her left arm. She confirmed it. Prayed and she said, "Wow good ah!" Jesus healed her. She's a Catholic who visits Novena Church.

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