Tuesday 4 November 2014

Waitress At Soup Restaurant

Last evening, we had CGO meeting at the Soup Restaurant, Toa Payoh. This is to thank all the CG Overseers for their contribution and service unto the Lord for  taking care of various CGs under them.

I went slightly earlier. Two waitresses came to serve. I asked the Holy Spirit for a WOK for either one of them. He told me that one of them had ankle issue. I thought I saw an image of right ankle. As I looked at both of them, I felt drawn to the older waitress.

Went up to ask her if she had problem with her ankle. She initially said, "No." I pointed to my ankle and asked again. She then replied, "Actually I have. It comes on and off. But there is no pain now." She pointed to her left ankle. Apparently, I got it wrong concerning the side of the ankle. But it's still the ankle anyway.

Offered to pray for her but she declined, saying that she's working. I am a little "aggressive" in this area. So I persisted and told her that when she came to our table again, I would just say a prayer within seconds. She agreed.

Prayed for her. She couldn't test out as she didn't have pain at that moment. I'm trusting the Lord to heal her completely.

I got to know that she's also a Christian from Church of God.

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