Sunday 9 November 2014

Church Member - Deafness

A church member came to approach me today. He had been with the church for 30 over years.

He said that he had problem listening with both his ears. His left ear was almost completely deaf. His hearing became so bad that he felt like stopping church altogether, because he couldn't hear the sermons anyway.

He then shared with me that few months ago, when I was speaking on the stage, he could suddenly hear (but not complete healing). I guess that was when I preached in main service in May, because that was the only time.

Since then, he had wanted to approach me to pray for him for complete restoration of both his ears but he was shy to do so.

Today, he saw me at the missions carnival and he approached me.

Prayed for both his ears and he saw an improvement. Then I told him, "Let's see what God does."

He said that if he gets healed, he will give me a call.

Am trusting God for complete restoration of his ears.

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