Sunday 2 November 2014


Just took a cab home as I was tired after a long meeting that ended at 5pm.

Haven't been sleeping well for the past five nights due to a persistent cough. Prayed many times but I'm still coughing. But it doesn't change the truth that God's will is to heal. This doesn't stop me from going around to heal the sick. My cough doesn't determine my identity. Neither does it change the truth in God's Word. God heals. Period.

Tired but wanted to bless the driver. Asked for a WOK and received a vision of him bending his left arm up and down. It had to do with his elbow area.

Checked with him and he was surprised that I knew. Shared with him about Jesus. He said that he had a growth in the inner part of the elbow (not visible on the outside). There is no pain though, except when he leans his elbow on something for long.

Prayed for him anyway. He also had a lump near his left toe. Prayed and told him (by faith) that it would get smaller and smaller.

He asked me which church I attend and he might come on one of the Sundays. He's a free thinker.

Holy Spirit, draw him to Jesus. Amen!

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