Tuesday 25 November 2014

A Fulfilling Day

Today is the fifth day in Taipei. Yet both my wifey and I felt that it's the first day we are really starting our vacation. Tomorrow is the last (full) day of this trip -_-". Jeshua has finally recovered. Thank Jesus!

We went to three places - Taipei Zoo, Gondola Ride and Raohe Night Market. Yeah!

While eating our lunch at Taipei Zoo, I had a WOK - left ear problem for one of the aunties sitting at the table beside us. I didn't manage to check with them though.

At the end of the Gondola Ride, we arrived at a beautiful place called Maokong Station (200 over metres above ground level), where the temperature was much cooler.

Went to buy BBQ black pork sausage. While waiting for the uncle to barbecue it, I received a WOK (left foot) for the uncle. Prayed for him but he didn't test out as he had to sit down and barbecue for others.

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