Tuesday 4 November 2014

What A Day!

Jeshua is still having a fever. So I applied for childcare leave today as I needed to bring him to his pediatrician.

I mixed up the timing which I needed to be queuing at the pediatric clinic at Rivervale Mall, Sengkang. I thought I had to be there by 8.30am. But my wife told me that I needed to be there by 8.15am to queue.

As such, I had to take a cab though it was a short distance from my place. Received a WOK for the driver regarding his right arm.

Me: You have problem with your right arm?

He: Why do you ask?

Me: You have a problem there right?

He: Why do you ask leh?

Me: I'm a Christian. I worship Jesus and He told me that you have this problem.

He: Serious?

Me: Yes. And when I pray for you, you will be well.

He: Oh okay.

Me: Are you a Christian?

He: No. I am not sure if Jesus will accept me as I have done many wrongs in the past. My friend told me that a Christian can pray anywhere, is that right?

Me: Jesus accepts you no matter how many wrongs you have done in the past. He loves you. And yes, you can pray anywhere if Jesus is in your heart.

We had a short conversation as it was a very short journey. I asked him if he could stop somewhere (instead of the clinic) so that I could pray for his arm. He drove to a nearby carpark opposite the pediatric clinic.

Prayed for his arm and he felt that the tightness became loosened. He said that he also had back problem. He got out of the car and let me pray for his back and he felt his back loosened up too. I told him that he would be well. Then I told him, "Jesus is the One who heals you. He loves you very much. Do you want to have this Jesus in your heart?"

He nodded.

I led him to receive Christ. Initially, I was worried as I didn't know how to pray in Mandarin. I was glad that he told me that he usually speaks in English. As I prayed, he repeated after me. He then shared with me that he felt relaxed. I said, "Jesus has come into your heart. Now you can pray to Him wherever you are."

He thanked me and asked me which church I go to. I invited him to come to TPMC as I would usually be there everyday for work.

Thank You Jesus for encountering this driver! One more soul in the kingdom! Multitudes of angels are rejoicing in heaven! Hallelujah!

I believe that someone had sown the seed of the Gospel in this driver. I merely brought him another step to make the decision to receive Jesus. Through these few days, I am reminded that I should bring my name cards along so that I can give to people, should they want to contact me or attend TPMC.

Oh yes, I ended up reaching the clinic at 8.25am instead. Hope my wife doesn't "kill" me after knowing what has happened :p
After queuing at the clinic, I went to withdraw money from the ATM. Meanwhile, my wife was messaging me and I was replying her messages. I'm someone who can't multitask. Guess what? I actually took back my ATM card but I forgot to take my money from the ATM!!! When I went back after realising it, the money was gone! This was the first time such thing happened in my life! I just couldn't multitask.

I was a little upset for a while as it wasn't just a small amount. But I decided to switch to thanksgiving. I thanked God that the person who took it was blessed. I thanked God that even though I lost it, the person had gained the blessing. I prayed for him that he and his family would be blessed too. All of a sudden, joy filled my heart. I want to grow and be more and more like Jesus. There is no point grumbling about it.

Went to buy breakfast to bring home. As the auntie was preparing the noodles, I had a WOK concerning her right wrist. Checked with her and she said that she would feel the pain and sore when she is resting, but not when she is working. When she passed me the change (money), I laid hand on her wrist and spoke a quick prayer over her. I'm trusting that God would heal her and she would experience His love.

As I was walking towards the bus stop to board a bus home, I saw an auntie walking towards me. She was wearing a knee guard on her right knee. Went up to her and asked if it was arthritis. She nodded. Laid hand and prayed. She felt better as she tested it out. Told her that Jesus loves her.

The journey back home was filled with so much joy that I couldn't contain it. I think Jesus must be elated each time He saw people set free and healed. Every day, there is an opportunity to be a blessing to someone in our lives. We just have to know that Jesus is living right inside us and He loves to touch people.

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