Sunday 9 November 2014

Pavilion At Tampines

Was walking to mum-in-law's place when I went past a group of domestic helpers sitting in the nearby pavilion.

Received a WOK concerning a right knee. Decided to walk back to them.

Me: Are you all from Philippines?

They: Yes.

Me: One of you has pain on your right knee.

She: Yes. Why?

Me: Are all of you Catholics?

They: Yes.

Me: I'm a Christian and like all of you, I believe in Jesus. I was walking to my mum-in-law's place when I heard the Lord saying that one of you has pain on your right knee. So I'm here to pray for you to be healed.

She: Wow.

Apparently she (lady in pink top) had pain on both her knees for few months. She felt pain whenever she squatted. Prayed for her and she was completely healed. She squatted and was very surprised that there was no more pain. Immediately, she told her friends about it.

I asked the rest if they needed physical healing. The lady in green top said she had pain at her left shoulder. Prayed and she was healed. Pain was gone.

The lady (in black top) on the furthest right had lower back problem for few months. I asked one of them to lay hand on her back and we prayed. Her pain was gone but she said that she would test out further because the pain usually comes when she stands or walks for a long time.

Found out that they had attended Holy Trinity Catholic Church earlier. Told them that Jesus loves them and thanked them for serving Singaporeans.

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