Sunday 9 November 2014

God Is Humorous

I'm not into miracles, signs and wonders. I'm into seeing people healed, set free and encounter God's love so that they want Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

With so many bags of stuff (bread, cakes, etc.) to carry home from mum-in-law's place, my wife, Jeshua and I took a cab home.

I thought I received a WOK concerning the driver's right foot. When asked, he said, "Why leh?"

I replied, "You have it, right?"

He was surprised, "How did you know?"

My wife replied for me, "Because Jesus cares for you."

However, to the uncle, he thought that 'right foot' is 'right lower back'. He explained, "I injured my lower back while helping a customer to carry stuff more than a month ago."

God is so humorous. I received a WOK concerning the driver's right foot. Yet for the driver, his understanding of right foot was different. Well, God encountered him anyway haha.

Told him to drive us to the lobby area so that I could pray for him. Prayed for him while my wife told Jeshua what I was doing. Prayed twice and he said, "No more pain."

He's a free thinker but I told him that Jesus loves you regardless of your belief.

And yes... I'm still having a throbbing tooth. Arghh...

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