Tuesday 4 November 2014

Free-Thinker Driver

Last night, I took a cab home after CGO meeting. Jeshua was still down with fever and I wanted to be home with him as much as I could, especially when I had been away for missions for the past few days. If I were to take the train, it would take me an hour and he would be sleeping by then. Anyway, it's my way of blessing any cab driver financially, physically and spiritually. I love cab drivers because they can't escape from Jesus when I talk to them.

Had a WOK concerning his right hand and neck.

Me: Do you have neck problem?

He: No... Actually yes. It comes on and off.

Me: And you also have problem with your right hand?

He: Eh? How come you know?

Me: I'm a Christian. I worship Jesus like you worship god (I saw a Buddha sculpture in his car). I talk to Him and He talks to me. He tells me that you have these problems.

He: (Surprised). Actually, I'm a free thinker. I think Christians shouldn't force people to Christ.

Me: Ya. We shouldn't force anyone. This kind of thing cannot be forced.

We continued with our conversation. Apparently, he is 75 years old and will have to retire from driving taxi in few months' time. He shared that he had a friend who was very sick in the hospital at one period and the friend's nephew kept persuading him to receive Christ every day. This taxi driver felt that the Christian shouldn't keep forcing his uncle.

I understood where the nephew was coming from and the driver too. Nonetheless, I didn't want to explain or debate. There is no point using reasoning to draw someone to Christ. It's always better to let the Holy Spirit do His job.

I purposely got the driver to drop me near my lift lobby so that I could minister to him. I had a word for him - "He is a very brilliant person. He is good with Mathematics stuff. He is someone who is not calculative though and he can easily overlook the mistake of others." This is what I felt the Holy Spirit saying. But I realised that I forgot to mention this to him after I alighted.

Prayed for his neck and right hand. His right fingers were also painful due to a nerve issue from upper back (near neck) to the right hand. He had been suffering with these for many years and he had seen many Western and Chinese doctors but there was no improvement. Prayed twice and he felt the improvement. By faith, I told him that he's going to get better and better.

He then asked me for my name and the church I attend. Told him that it's Toa Payoh Methodist Church and I work there in the English department.

He said that he would come to the church and find me as he stays in Toa Payoh.

When the Holy Spirit reveals Himself, even a free thinker who has doubts about Christianity will be drawn to Jesus. The uncle could say whatever he wanted but when the Holy Spirit touched him, his mind and heart would have to change.

Thank You Lord for touching him!

Ephesians 5:16 says that we are to make the most of every opportunity we have for doing good. In another translation, it says "... walk circumspectly... redeeming the time..."

In other words, when we make use of an opportunity we have for doing good, we are redeeming the time. People are an opportunity for us to do good, i.e. healing and blessing them. When we do that, they will be drawn a step closer to the Lord. This reduces the time they need to come to Jesus. It is redeeming the time!

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