Saturday 15 November 2014

Furama Hotel (Havelock Rd)

Reached Furama hotel for CGL Quarterly Meeting.

Had a WOK for one of the two bell boys - left ankle. Checked with him.

Me: You have a problem with your ankle?
He: Yes.
Me: Left ankle?
He: Yes, because I have flat foot and it sprains easily.
Me: Only the left one right?
He: Yes.

Wanted to pray for him but he declined. He's a pious Muslim, who doesn't accept Christian prayer.

I spoke to his Muslim friend (the other bell boy) and I realised how their view of God has shaped them so differently. They believe that God is the one who gives them pain. If He wants to take it away, He will.

Had a conversation with him and I learnt more about Muslim beliefs.

Had another WOK and went to approach two other staff at the reception counter. They said that it's the Muslim bell boy that I spoke to who has the problem.

Tried to be thick-skinned and went to him again to see if I can pray for him. But like his friend with the left ankle issue, he declined.

God, bless them anyway, that they may know You as their Father who loves them.

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