Thursday 20 November 2014

Muslim & Drink Stalls

Went to buy chicken cutlet rice from the Muslim stall near my place. Received a WOK that wasn't so clear but decided to step out in faith anyway - right knee area.

The Muslim lady confirmed it and said that she has abit of arthritis but she's on medicine. She asked me why. I requested to bless her with prayer for recovery, but she declined.

I realised that devout Muslims often reject prayer from Christians. Next time, I shall approach in a different way for Muslims.

Went to the drink stall to get a drink and I had a WOK for one of the aunties - left shoulder area. She said its the right shoulder area instead. But the pain comes on and off and she didn't have the pain at that moment. Prayed for her anyway. She felt her shoulder become lighter.

More Jesus more.

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