Sunday 19 October 2014

Sales Lady - Luggage

We went to Plaza Singapura for dinner before purchasing a family luggage for the trip to Taiwan. As I was making payment, I asked the Holy Spirit for a WOK to bless the sales lady. He showed me her front left ankle.

I asked her, "Is your left leg in pain?"

She replied, "Yes. How do you know?"

I added, "It's at the front part of the ankle, right?"

She answered, "Yes. How do you know?!"

"I'm a Christian. I believe in Jesus. He is God and He tells me that. Can I pray for you?"

Prayed for her. Was expecting complete healing but she received partial healing. Nonetheless, the seed of healing and love is sown. I'm trusting God for full manifestation of His healing as she goes home. Thank You Jesus!

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