Tuesday 21 October 2014

Aircon Servicing Guys

Went to the toilet when I saw two guys servicing the aircons in one of our church worship halls.

I asked the Holy Spirit how I could bless them. Received a WOK for the guy - right calf/shin area.

Walked into the hall and asked where they are from. One is from India while the other Blangadesh.

I asked the Indian guy, "You have problem here?" (Pointing to my right leg).

He hesitated a while. I said, "You have, right?"

He replied, "Yes. Sometimes." Prayed for him and got him to stamp his foot. There was no pain at that moment so he couldn't verify. I trust that he will be healed.

Asked the Blangadeshi if he has any problem. He told me that he has lower back problem. He came down from the ladder and I prayed for him. Got him to test out by bending down and turning to his sides. He's healed and he thanked me.

Told them that Jesus loves them. Hallelujah!

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