Friday 10 October 2014

Yoga Instructor

Two nights ago, I came home late from School of Evangelism (Reinhard Bonnke). Took a cab and received a WOK for the driver. It was concerning his upper spine. I asked him but he said, "No, I don't have."

As the impression was strong, I felt that it was a WOK. We continued to talk and I found out that he's a yoga instructor. Immediately, I asked him if his students have spine issues and he nodded. I asked if his fellow instructors have S-shaped spines and he nodded.

I said, "Can I come to your yoga centre and help them for free? I have seen many spine problems healed."

He: Ok. How do you help? Reiki energy?

Me: Similar kind of energy (I can't say that I'm a Christian yet as I want the door to his fellow instructors remain open.)

He: Okay. I will give you my namecard. (When I first asked him on hearing that he's a yoga instructor, he wasn't open to give)

Jesus, open this door so that I can represent You at the yoga centre to the yoga instructors. I trust that You will show up; they will be healed and they will come to know You when the Gospel is preached. Thank You Jesus!

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