Monday 6 October 2014

Three Indian Men

Gave a wrong WOK to a Singaporean man at Punggol LRT platform.

As I walked into the lift at Damai LRT station, I asked the Holy Spirit for a WOK for the three Indian men. He showed me one - right ankle.

I realised that WOK is not as difficult as we think it is. The more we pray and think about it, the more we get it wrong. The more it comes naturally (without thinking and focusing), the more accurate it is.

I asked them and one of them confirmed it - pain at right ankle for one month. Prayed and he got completely healed.

On seeing this, his friend asked me to pray for the back of his left knee. It had been a three-year injury. Prayed once and he said, "Left a little." Prayed a second time and he got completely healed. Wanting to make sure that he was really healed, I asked him a few times to confirm it. Then I got him to squat and stand a couple of times. He said, "no more pain."

The third guy asked, "can skin problem be healed?" I prayed for him, but no visible result as he was wearing long sleeves.

Talked to them about Jesus but they didn't seem open. They thanked me and shook my hand.

Thank You Jesus!

Kingdom lifestyle. Let it be a daily encounter.

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