Wednesday 29 October 2014

On Flight To Chiangmai

Boarded the flight towards Chiangmai.

Two ladies sat in front of us. I asked the Holy Spirit and received a WOK - neck problem.

I typed it into my phone and showed them the message.

They confirmed it. The lady on the left had neck problem for many years. It was apparently caused by disc issue at L4 & L5 area.

Prayed for her twice. Surprised, she looked at her niece (on her right) and smiled, while nodding her head. She felt so much better.

I shared about Jesus with them.

They were Buddhists and they were on a trip to worship at a temple in Chiangmai.

I pray that this God-encounter has sown a seed of the Gospel in their hearts. Once the seed is sown, the plow is on it's way. Amen!

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