Sunday 26 October 2014

Missions Training

At missions training this afternoon, I covered very briefly on power evangelism, healing and word of knowledge.

I gave a few word of knowledge and two of them responded. One with persistent and recurring back problem while the other with pain from left shoulder to neck area.

Got the participants to pray and lay hands on the two of them.

The one with back problem had her left leg grown out by 1.5cm. She felt her back loosened. Her back problem will leave completely in Jesus' name.

The one with pain from left shoulder to neck area was 70% healed.

And these were done by the participants!

Got them to practise WOK. One received a WOK about hearing problem while the other received about stomach issue. Both were bingo and we prayed for the two people who had these issues.

It's a joy to equip others for kingdom work because every believer is supposed to represent Jesus in love and power.

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