Friday 31 October 2014

Training The Leaders & Pastors

After Pastor Reuben taught in the morning sessions, I continued from where he left off.

Touched on the power of the Holy Spirit and healing as a tool for reaching the lost before getting the local pastors and leaders to be baptised with the Holy Spirit. Then I got them to heal the sick among themselves.

Had a WOK for someone with problem from neck to shoulder area. She stood up. Another guy had back problem for few months and he also stood up.

The locals prayed for the one with neck problem and she felt better. When the guy with back problem was prayed for, he shared that his whole body was feeling very warm. I told him that it was the manifestation of God's healing. As he didn't feel any better, I told him to come to the front. We checked his legs and both were quite even. Nevertheless, we prayed for him.

He said, "When you held my legs up, it was so painful that I wanted to cry. But as you prayed, the tension at my legs and back was loosened. I felt much better."

He went to walk around and tested his back and both the legs (he experienced pain too). When he came back, he shared his testimony. The sharp pain he had for few months was gone! Praise Jesus!

We then got the rest who were sick to stand. I asked the locals to pray for them. A couple of healings took place! They were so encouraged. One by one began to share his/her testimony.

Glad to be able to be used by God to equip them for power evangelism.

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