Thursday 16 October 2014

TTSH Again

Two of my colleagues and I went to TTSH to pray for the sick during lunch.

I ministered to an Indian man who was on the wheelchair. He had a lot of issues - he broke his left ankle (had screws and metal plates in it), broke his right thigh, had crooked spine, shoulder problem and sharp pain at his right thumb.

Prayed for his ankle and he felt better. Prayed for it a few times and it got better. Prayed for his thigh and he could raise higher. He told me to pray for his shoulder and he felt the difference. I asked if he had crooked spine and he said "Yes". Prayed and his spine was straightened. Prayed for his thumb but there wasn't much improvement.

He asked me which church I attend as he wasn't a Christian. Told him and passed his my number. He said that he would call me as he might visit. Praise Jesus!

There was a male nurse attending to him. I had a WOK for this nurse - back problem. Prayed for him. He couldn't tell the difference as the back problem came on and off and he didn't have pain at that moment.

More Jesus!

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