Friday 3 October 2014

Receiving Word of Knowledge In Advance

This morning, I received a WOK during my devotional time. I saw a woman bound in wheel-chair. Her left leg was the problem.

In the evening, Carol, Jeshua and I went to the airport at T3. When we went to basement 2, I saw this lady who was wheel-chair bound. Feeling a nudge in my spirit, I approached her and asked, "You are unable to walk because of your left leg?"

She nodded.

Prayed for her but I didn't get her to test out by getting up from her wheel-chair. Trusting that the power of God had come upon her.

I also prayed for a toilet cleaner. I was relieving myself when I received a WOK for him - lower part of his left leg, near the ankle area. Checked with him and he showed me the plaster which he pasted near his left ankle. 

He was an old man who had arthritis at that area, as well as his left knee. Prayed and he felt better but it wasn't complete healing. More Lord, more!

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