Monday 20 October 2014

Thai Guy

Was walking from Circle Line to North East Line at Serangoon when I saw a guy limping with a walking stick.

Went after him and asked him if I could bless him with a prayer. Found out that he's a Thai.

He said that he had fractured his knee and ankle four weeks ago.

Prayed for him and got him to test out without the walking stuck. He was surprised that he felt better and lighter.

He said, "Oh this is impossible!"

I prayed again. Told him that Jesus loves him and that I trust that he will be completely healed. He was very thankful.

I know that it is impossible for me to lay hand on the sick without anything happening. God has promised that in Mark 16.

When the seed of healing is sown into the sick, it will grow like a mustard seed. Sometimes, the person is fully healed immediately. Sometimes, he is fully healed on the same day. Sometimes, he is fully healed when he wakes up the next day. The key is for us not to be affected by what we see. Focus on Him and His finished work. Amen.

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