Saturday 11 October 2014

Muslim Guy

On my way to a church today, I spoke to a Muslim driver. He was asking me about the brand of perfume I used. Shared with him and passed him the namecard of the perfume shop. And I received a WOK.

I: By the way, do you have neck issue?

He: Yes. How you know?

I: I am a Christian. I talk to Jesus. He talks to me and He tells me about your neck. He wants you well and healed because He loves you.

He: Oh ok.

I: I would like to bless you later for your neck to be well.

He: Thank you.

I: Are you a Muslim in practice? Do you go to the mosque?

He: Yes. I pray five times a day and go to the mosque on Friday.

I: So you also fast?

He: Yes I fast.

I: I also fast regularly.

He: Fasting has good health benefits too.

I: Yes. So you also read Quran?

He: Yes. I also read abit of the Bible.

I was thinking in my heart - "This guy is a hardcore Muslim..."

He started sharing with me about his interpretation of who Jesus is based on Old Hebrew Bible and Quran. He has pretty good knowledge of the Bible.

While I was thinking of debating with him, I felt the Holy Spirit saying, "Do not use intellect reasoning with him. Tell him that he doesn't have much peace within despite that he's been trying to find peace through prayer. Because peace is a Person - Jesus Christ."

I arrived at my destination. Prayed for his neck and he got completely healed. As I had to go, I got down his mobile number, hoping to follow up on him.

Jesus, touch this guy (Rafi). I pray that he will know you personally. Amen!

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