Saturday 25 October 2014

Taste & See + Soccer Boys

At Taste & See earlier, a lady with crooked spine went forward for prayer. After she received prayer, I went after her, hoping to collect her testimony.

She said that she felt better but the backache was still there. I asked her what her spine problem was and she said that it was scoliosis.

Got her to sit down. Her left leg was shorter. Prayed and it grew out. Got her to stretch out both her arms. Her left arm was shorter. Prayed and it grew out. I guess it was a C-shaped spine. Prayed for her spine and back. She tested out and said that her backache was gone. I asked her to let me know how it goes by calling the church again.

As I was returning home, I saw 2 youths and 3 children playing soccer at the pavilion near my house. Received a WOK concerning one of their left ankles. I asked them and a Chinese child confirmed it.

He sprained his left ankle weeks ago. Prayed for him twice and he got completely healed. He also had pain at his two left toes. Prayed for him and he felt much better - not complete healing though. On top of all these, his left shin was a little swollen from injury. Prayed and felt heat flowing through. He said, "It's warm and I can feel the heat."

Then I shared with three of them about Jesus. The other two Muslim youths were playing with the ball. These three were children - 1 Muslim and 2 Chinese. The one who received healing said, "Power lah!" And he kept thanking me. I told them that it's Jesus who healed and Jesus loves them very much.

The seed of the Gospel was sown. I trust that God will cause it to grow until they come to know Him. Amen!

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