Friday 23 December 2022

Being Pastoral Or Becoming Like Him

Being Pastoral Or Becoming Like Him

There are many truths in the Word which can be pretty offensive to those who are not ready to receive, whether it's due to past hurts, bad experiences, denials, disappointments, etc.

We want to ensure that we don't bruise them further. Yet on the other hand, Jesus did not call us to be pastoral. He called us to be like Him. Becoming like Him embraces every aspect of Him which includes Grace & Truth.

To compromise a little on truths so that grace can be extended is not Jesus. It's humanity. To compromise a little on grace so that truths can enforced is not Jesus. It's religion.

Jesus lived in the fullness of Grace and Truth. The words He spoke were often double-edged. Sometimes, they cut and offended. Sometimes, they healed and imparted life. His message was not the variables. The people were. The recipients were.

In the midst of trying to be pastoral, we have compromised truths in the name of grace & love. This is unhealthy. Because when we try to pacify one group, we actually hurt the other group who is ready to receive truths and appropriate the grace of God in tangible realities.

Jesus scattered the seeds regardless of His audience, because He knew that not every ground was ready to bear fruit. In fact, only 25% would be ready to receive His message.

Perhaps we need to take our focus away from the recipients and put it back unto Him. Only by beholding Him can we become like Him, who is neither pastoral or religious, but full of grace and truth.

For a hearer who cannot receive truth, impart grace.
For a hearer who cannot receive grace, impart truth.

Nonetheless, do NOT compromise any of them.

Monday 19 December 2022

Christians Are Harder To Get Healed? Part 3

Christians Are Harder To Get Healed? Part 3

As mentioned in the previous post, every Christian has the same delegated authority from Christ. You get to decide HOW you use the authority, whether it is for good or bad.

Since death and life are in the power of the tongue and you shall eat its fruit (Prov 18:21), what you say and do will determine the kind of fruit that is produced in you.

There is no hindrance for healing (the power of God) to flow into a Christian's body from a minister (the one who ministers healing) except the unbelief of the minister (Matthew 17:20).

Very often, a Christian has received healing into his body when someone laid hands or ministered to him. Instant healing is a miracle and we always expect that. Yet sometimes, healing is sudden (happens suddenly on another day/time) OR progressive (the principle of the cursed fig tree).

I have shared about how identity allows a Christian to stay healed when the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy (Jn 10:10). But this post is not for that.

If the recipient of healing, particularly a Christian, does not understand his delegated authority, he can unknowingly use it to reverse the healing that has been released into his body by a minister.

God is not a liar. He said that you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover (Mark 16:17-18). In other words, when the minister releases healing to the Christian's body, life flows from the Spirit into the Christian's body and healing has begun.

If the healing is not fast enough (depends on the power of God through faith), the Christian might not feel any change in his body yet. The fig tree had no immediate change though it's roots were drying up.

Should the Christian then say, "Nothing is changing... I'm not healed", he is speaking with the delegated authority, whether he knows or not. And he shall eat the fruit of what comes out of his tongue.

This can possibly reverse and stop the healing which he has received from the minister. We have seen this experientially a number of times, where believers got better, before the symptoms worsen.

As ministers (someone who ministers healing), we need to expect complete wholeness and take responsibility for someone's healing, instead of being quick to blame others. This will ensure our growth and remove every excuse of seeing others healed.  

Authority plays a part in keeping the healing that a Christian has received, because with authority comes responsibility.

This is why I think that every time when the topic of healing is taught in equipping sessions, identity and authority must also be taught together. Otherwise, a Christian can be activated in healing but soon be discouraged/disappointed because he does not know how to stand.

Saturday 17 December 2022

Good Tidings Always Draw People

Good Tidings Always Draw People

For the first 20-25 minutes, there was no one. People just walked past as they saw the sign "Free Spiritual Reading."

Two ladies eventually came. After releasing WOK, prophecies and healings on them, they began to call their friends to come over. More people were ministered to.

Curious passers-by began to speak to them as they shared their testimonies.

Soon there was a long queue formed horizontally as people waited eagerly for their turns to receive "spiritual reading".

Those who seek spiritual matters is close to the Kingdom. It does not matter even if they go to the wrong source, because they will eventually be found by Him as long as they keep seeking.

We saw about 95% instant healings except one who didn't feel any change. It doesn't mean that she isn't healed because healing can be sudden or progressive.

A confident lady was in tears when her heart was exposed to the Father who is seeking her. A man wanted our address to seek us out. Another wanted to give donation. A lady bought some drinks. Another wanted contact details. One asked, "Why are you guys doing it for free when everyone else is charging?"

The simplicity of the demonstration of the Gospel is what left people amazed by His goodness.

The Father's love is often the central theme in reaching the lost because everyone is looking for love and affirmation. We were created for that. Only through Him and in Him can love and affirmation be satisfied.

Christmas is not just a time to remember His goodness, but also an opportunity to demonstrate His goodness. Jesus is not just the reason for this season, He is the reason for every season, because every season is ready for harvest.

We have received the good tidings. It's time to bring them to others.

Christians Are Harder To Get Healed? Part 2

Christians Are Harder To Get Healed? Part 2

As shared in the previous post, it is interesting to see how non-believers get healed more easily than Christians (in fact, there is a particular group where I'm seeing almost 100%). 

But to come out with any reason outside the Word will reduce the power of God to our mere experiences. Getting rid of all hindrances allows the raw power of God to flow into people's bodies for healing.

When Jesus was on earth, His success rate was 100%. Everyone He healed was a non-believer though. But that does not imply anything. No unbelief could stop Him from healing the sick, because the power of God through Him had no limitation.

The only hindrance that prevents someone from getting healed is the unbelief of the minister (His disciples --- Matt 17:20), not the unbelief of the recipient (Mark 9:24). I explained this in details with Scriptures in a book.

Ministering healing to Christians is the same as ministering healing to non-believers, since the Bible does not separate them. In other words, there is still no hindrance for healing to flow into Christians' bodies.

However, we need to understand that Christians have the same authority as the ones ministering healing. The same delegated authority from Christ.

God gave us the privilege to use His authority. But He does not control HOW we use it. Authority can be used for good or for bad, depending on the fruit (nature) of the person using it.

Elisha used the authority to curse some youths, resulting in their deaths. The Bible does not say that God was the one who killed them.

Peter used the authority to judge Ananias and Sapphira, resulting in their deaths. The Bible does not say that God was the one who killed them.

Paul used the authority on Elymas, causing him to be blind for a period. The Bible does not say that God was the one who blinded him.

No one represented God perfectly except His Son (Jn 1:18; Heb 1:3; Col 1:15). Jesus demonstrated God's authority clearly and He only demonstrated life (with the authority) because He is the Life.

Since death and life are in the power of the tongue and you eat its fruit, a Christian chooses HOW he uses the delegated authority.

In the next part, we will see how it affects healing and the possible reason why Christians seem "harder" to get healed.

Friday 16 December 2022

Christians Are Harder To Get Healed? Part 1

I have listened to a teaching that talks about Christians being harder to get healed, because there is a stronger resistance from the enemy. In other words, there is a spiritual warfare going on.

You can't find this in the Bible, though it made some sense. On the other hand, if we really want things to make sense, the enemy should resist even stronger for non-believers, because once they get healed, they are more likely to be born again.

After seeing thousands of people healed individually (not in healing meetings where you first preach the Word), I do agree that I have seen more non-believers healed than Christians. And some Christians seem to receive healing way faster than others. It used to baffle me because the stripes of Jesus paid for ALL with no favouritism.

We cannot afford to come out with a reason that is not in the Word. Because any reason will become a hindrance to see people healed.

Having said that, there are some vital principles in the Bible on identity and authority that apply to all aspects including healing. This is why we see Christians get healed and become sick again with the same issue because of a lack of understanding on identity and authority.

Identity is the key factor for staying healed after being healed.

Authority is the key factor for keeping the healing that has been received (or started by others who ministered to you).

I have shared many posts about identity and how to stay healed after being healed. So in the next post, I will share about the authority that Christians have, which has an impact on their healing.

P.S: Most of the spiritual warfare are fought in the mind (2 Cor 10:4-5). The mind is the true battlefield for the enemy.

Tuesday 6 December 2022

The Importance of Integrity In Our Words Part 2

The Importance of Integrity In Our Words Part 2

The effectiveness of our words relies on the integrity of our words. One cannot be lying all the time and expect his words to produce fruit at the same time.

God is 100% effective because He cannot lie (Heb 6:18) ---- He kept the integrity of His Word. Every Word spoken by Him shall not return to Him void, but it shall accomplish what He has said (Isa 55:11).

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life (Jn 14:6). Everything that came out of His mouth when He was on earth is Truth. He bore the effectiveness of His words because He only spoke Truth.

For there to be integrity in our words, as shared in Part 1, it must flow from our spirit. For the spirit only agrees with the Word.

The more we tell lies (including white lies) in our daily lives, the more we renewed our mind to the wrong realm.

Neuroscience research shows that when a lie leaves your lips, your body releases cortisol into your brain. The brain has to work harder. Next, your memory goes into overdrive trying to remember both the lie and the truth. Decision making becomes more difficult.

The next time when you speak the truth (of God's Word), you subconsciously do not believe in what you said, because your brain has gotten used to accept lies as truths. There is no purity in the words.

Researchers added that the amygdala in your brain shows up less and less, as we lie more and more. Essentially, our guilt feelings tend to weaken and shrink. In the Bible, we call it 'the searing of conscience.'

1) If you shipwreck your conscience, you shipwreck your faith (1 Tim 1:19)

2) If you renew your mind to the wrong realm (Rom 12:2) by lying, you won't be able to manifest the perfect will of God.

If we want to see consistent results and effectiveness of God's Word through our mouths, then we need to realise the importance of integrity in the words spoken through our mouths.
Our daily lives matter. If you think that you can lie your way through in businesses, in your work and in the way you handle things in general, and yet you want to manifest the will of God through the Word, you might want to think twice. If your life has no integrity, you cannot uphold the integrity of His Word and you won't see the consistency of His Word in and through your life.

Thursday 24 November 2022

Sudden Revelation on Healing for Christians

Today, I have a sudden revelation on why Christians seem 'harder' to be healed. 

We have seen some cases of Christians healed but the sickness came back again quickly. Non-Christians, however, get healed and stay healed.

Here is what I've got:

When we minister healing to Christians, they might have received it and are thus healed.

But since they are in Christ, they have the same authority as we have. So they can use the authority for good or for bad. Peter in the book of Acts, used the authority (seemingly wrongly) and caused Ananias and Sapphira to die. Paul used the authority and caused Elymas to be blind.

Christians can use the authority with their words by speaking, "Maybe I'm not healed yet; Maybe the symptoms are not really gone; I'm not sure if I'm healed, etc."

As a result, they cancel off the healing which they have received by the authority of their own words.

This could possibly to the reason why it seems 'harder' to get Christians healed.

The Importance of Integrity In Our Words Part 1

The Importance of Integrity In Our Words Part 1

The effectiveness of our words relies on the integrity of our words. One cannot be lying all the time and expect his words to produce fruit at the same time.

God is 100% effective because He cannot lie (Heb 6:18) ---- He kept the integrity of His Word. Every Word spoken by Him shall not return to Him void, but it shall accomplish what He has said (Isa 55:11).

For there to be integrity in our words, it must flow out from our spirit. Because our spirit always agrees with His spirit, and thus, His Word. This means that whatever situation we face, we only speak His Word --- this is the proof that we allow the words to come out from our spirit.

Often, on the contrary, we do the opposite. We speak according to what we feel/think or what don't feel/don't think. The words flow from our body into our soul. It is the reverse.

If we lie enough with our words, our soul will be renewed to that degree, since the flow either moves from our spirit to our soul and body, OR from our body back to our soul.

This is why we can cancel God's words from working in our lives with our words.

Paul said, "We believe and therefore speak." (2 Cor 4:13). Our words, therefore, reveals our believing. If we believe His Word, we speak His Word. The opposite is true. If we don't speak His Word, we don't believe His Word.

The moment when we say, "I am feeling the pain right now", we are actually telling our soul, "I am not healed yet" ---> "God is a liar", and you pluck out every seed of healing that you have received. Because there is no integrity in your words if you are not speaking God's words with integrity.

I know this is a hard message. But I have seen how it works so many times. You either let people think you are crazy in your words but you stay healed, or you simply speak 'humanity' and remain sick.

God doesn't decide if you get healed or not. He has already decided in Isaiah 53:4-5 and 1 Peter 2:24. You and I get to decide if we want to receive what He has already done. He has proven the integrity of His Word for healing when He took the stripes. Now we need to decide if we keep the integrity of our words spoken from our mouths.

In the next part, we will look at how lying in daily living renews our soul wrongly and prevents us (subconsciously) from accepting and agreeing with His Word.

Wednesday 23 November 2022

Word of Wisdom

Word of Wisdom

The word of knowledge reveals the present while the word of wisdom reveals the future.

Brought my son to the children version of go-kart when I heard God speaking to me about the staff's right knee.

I decided to wait for her to finish setting up the go-kart for my son before I approached her. Suddenly, while setting up halfway, a teenage girl lost control of her go-kart and knocked onto the staff's right leg, causing her right knee to be injured (word of wisdom).

She was in pain and limped back to the counter. As I had to watch over my son to ensure that he was manoeuvring well, I thought of approaching her later to minister healing. There was a God-confidence arising within me that she would be totally healed in an instant.

When I went back to the counter, she wasn't there. Her colleague said that she went to take a rest. I requested her colleague to give her a call but he couldn't reach her.

After more than an hour, my son and I went back to look for her. She was at the counter. 

I asked, "How's your right knee?" She replied, "I think something happened to the bone when I was knocked by the go-kart."

I said, "Let me release healing to you.' Looking pretty skeptical, she responded, "No worries about it."

I insisted, "I won't be touching you. Just from a distance." And I exerted authority on the injury, since Christ gave us His authority over every sickness and disease.

Then I got her to test out. She started laughing in amazement before exclaiming, "Oh gosh!!" I said, "Do everything you can to find the pain." She kept testing it, bent her knee, did some squats, etc in astonishment.

I began sharing my own healing testimony and Jesus with her. My son witnessed the whole thing and encountered the living presence of God once again.

I often receive the word of knowledge (present) for healing, but seldom receive the word of wisdom (future) for healing. The word of wisdom could have prevented the need for healing. It is an area where we need to tap into more, not just in the aspect of healing, but in various aspects.

Living the Kingdom life is exciting because each day is an opportunity to wake up and partner with God to manifest His Kingdom. Imagine if we have 5000 walking in this everyday in SG.

Thursday 17 November 2022

Persecution Arises Because Of The Word

Last evening, God spoke to me about taking risk and stepping out in the area of finances. I said, "Yes Father!"

A few hours later, my car was knocked from the back on the road, which means that I would need to spend unnecessarily for the repair.

Immediately, I heard the Word, "Persecution arises because of the Word sown into you."

The enemy always tries to steal, kill and destroy.

When God speaks to you powerfully, the enemy reacts in fear. He would try to steal the word sown into you, so that you would not bear fruit. His goal is to keep you from fulfilling what God has for you.

We would therefore, need to crush the enemy even more intently. Whichever area the enemy tries to steal the word that God has just spoken to you, you increase the aggressiveness and intensity by acting on the word even more.

The opposite of sight is faith. Faith pushes the enemy out of your sight so that God's insight becomes your foresight. The one with the last laugh always wins.

P.S: You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed. - Lev 19:19. The enemy sows tares into your field so that you have two kinds of seed. The field becomes choked and less fruitful.

Monday 7 November 2022

Difference Between The Gospel of Salvation and The Gospel of The Kingdom

The gospel of salvation focuses on counting the number saying the sinner's prayer.

The Gospel of the Kingdom focuses on counting disciples giving their lives to Jesus.

The former is found in churchianity. The latter is found in Christianity. It's a whole world of difference.

Jesus came to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, not the gospel of salvation. We have been so influenced by the American gospel, and we fail to be inspired by the Bible.

This is why while Jesus is absolutely good, people still rejected His message when He preached on earth. I used to think that everybody wants Jesus. That's because I preached the gospel of salvation that Jesus didn't preach. What they want is only the benefits and the blessings without the King.

The Gospel of the Kingdom talks about disciples. Because there is no converts in the Bible. There is a King and you don't invite Him into your life; that's not Bible. You surrender yours to Him.

If we only preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to non-believers like Jesus did, when they say 'Yes', we will see committed souls, not sissianity.

Saturday 5 November 2022

Grateful for My Wife

Grateful for My Wife

My hands were full of groceries as my family and I entered the lift together with a man who was limping. I asked him what happened and he shared that he injured and broke something in his calf.

I said, "Can you give me a few seconds?"

The moment when I said that, my wife immediately and automatically took over all the groceries from my hands (even though they were heavy), so that I could minister to him.

You are always in awe of the look of astonishment on the stranger's face when he gets healed. He said, "Look! What did you do? I can walk now."

And I proceeded to share my own testimony and Jesus with him. People would often ask, "Did you lead him to Jesus?"

Well, I just gave Him to him. Ever since I understood the Gospel of the Kingdom, I no longer lead people to a watered-down gospel of salvation. Because I found that those who say 'Yes' quickly in a moment of emotions to the gospel of salvation are sometimes not born again into the Kingdom. They don't really know what they are in for and thus, it's not a genuine conversion.

When I got into the car, I shared with my wife how John G Lake must have felt in his days. He couldn't let any sick person get past him, because he knew that there's something he carried which would solve the problem.

John G Lake had 100,000 documented healings in 5 years in Spokane. He had a room for doctors to do X-rays/scans and to verify the healings. It wasn't just visible healings, but verified (thus documented) healings. This alone is mind-blowing.

His success rate was so high that he was called Dr Lake. Doctors were not there to cure the patients, but to simply verify the miraculous healings ministered by him. It was all over the newspapers and media in those days.

I have not heard of anyone who walked in such fullness in the area of healing. This always makes me zealous to grow more.

He was just one man. Imagine if we have 5000 men reproduced, we would reign on earth with amazing impact for the Kingdom.

P.S: Just one day before, I had 3 rounds of diarrhoea and vomiting due to food poisoning (probably due to expired prune juice which I drank on the previous night). My head was spinning and I had no appetite for anything. Thus my wife said, "If you don't want any medication, at least take probiotics. It's not really medicine. Don't be stubborn."

But yeah I'm stubborn when it comes to healing. So I said No, because I got Jesus and released healing to myself. On the next day, which is today, I woke up and ate normally. During lunch, I ate some spicy stuff, followed by coffee, which is an absolute no-go for someone who had food poisoning just a day ago. Went to work, did groceries shopping and ministered to the guy in the lift.

There is a powerful Kingdom of God living inside every believer, which we seldom tap into. We often surrender too quickly in the midst of discomfort. But the Comforter will manifest Himself when we decide to lean on Him and let Him flow from our spirit to our body by the act of our soul. This is called Romans 8:2 and Romans 8:11.

Thursday 3 November 2022

Important Difference Between Miracles And Healings

Important Difference Between Miracles And Healings

Alot of believers are looking for miracles but they don't understand healings. There is an important difference.

Miracles are instantaneous.
Healings are progressive.

Mark 16:17-18 talks about laying hands on the sick and they will recover. This includes both healings and miracles.

The point is that either God is a liar or is telling the truth. If He is the Truth (John 14:6), then the moment when you lay hands on the sick, healing begins.

Yes, we always expect miracles when we minister ---- the instantaneous. Yet sometimes, it's healing ---- progressive.

However, believers are always limited to miracles, that they fail to see that healing has already started. As a result, after they get ministered to, they think, "God is not healing yet. I don't see any difference. I don't feel any difference. The symptoms are still there."

And they pull out the seed of healing that was already planted into them. In other words, they 'cancel' the healing. Therefore, they don't see the result.

What we need is to thank God for the healing and continue to expect it to come to completion. We can continue to receive 'more' healing 'added' to what has already begun, either by receiving on our own, or going back to other believers to be ministered again.

Sometimes, it involves a fight. Because while the healing has begun, the sickness can try to destroy faster than the healing. So we need to receive more until life overwhelms every form of death.

In John G Lake's time, He didn't always see results instantly. He had people coming back to his Healing Rooms for a period of 30 days until they got healed. They kept going back every day until they got healed. That's tenacity and persistence.

If we want to win the fight, we need to STAND.

Saturday 29 October 2022

Kingdom Building

This morning, I'm hearing this...

"If you want men to keep coming back to your church, keep filling their cups. But if you want men to keep going out and be the church, keep teaching them to fill their own cups."

Great pulpit ministry draws the crowd and fills their cups. But they don't learn how to fill their own cups. So they keep coming back. It helps to grow the ministry name too, as well as finances.

But kingdom ministry empowers the crowd so that they fill their own cups. They can leave anytime when they are ready, because they don't need you anymore. They learn to feed themselves; they grow and they can start their own group everywhere to empower others to continue this cycle. This is what the Kingdom should look like.

Perhaps if your ministry always attracts more people to stay than to leave, it's time to re-evaluate if we are building our own kingdom OR His Kingdom.

We don't need a brand name. We need brand new groups.

A good Father always releases. A mature son always steps out and starts a new family.

Thursday 27 October 2022



I was recently asked if the sick requires any faith to be healed, since Jesus sometimes said, "Your faith has made you well."

If you read through the four books of the Gospel and the book of Acts thoroughly, you will discover that healing takes place as long as one party believes: either the minister or the sick.

There is no mystery in this because God's nature is way more consistent than we are. Most of the time, it is ministers/preachers who refuse to take responsibility and push it away when there is a lack of result.

Thank God Jesus isn't like this.

The reason why people see more healings after a message is preached is simple. Romans 10:17. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word. When the minister preaches the message, faith arises in the sick to receive the healing from God through the minister. In this case, faith from the sick appropriates the healing.

You seldom see ministers seeing many healings if they don't first preach the message (unless there is a faith expectation from the crowd because they honour the speaker, especially in missions fields, and expect to receive). But Jesus did. He didn't need to wait to heal after He had preached. Because He always believed. All things are possible for Him who believes.

Our model is Jesus. When the sick comes to you, you don't have time to preach a whole message before you minister healing. We have to be ready in and out of season. This makes our secret place important before we go into the public place. Living ready is more important than preaching powerfully at the pulpit.

So the short answer is the sick doesn't need faith to be healed, if the minister believes for the sick to be healed. But if the minister has unbelief in his heart, then the sick will need faith to appropriate healing from God through the minister who is acting as though he has faith when he's praying for the sick, when he actually has unbelief.

If we see more results in the missions field than in our own hometown, it reveals that we still have much unbelief to get rid of, so that we can see the same results in our hometown.

This is why while we celebrate healing testimonies from all over the world when we hear them, I am always on the specific look-out for someone who sees consistent healings for terminal diseases (without having to first preach a message) in his/her own hometown. I want to grow and therefore, I'm always on the look-out for such a person to dialogue with.

P.S: I explained this in detail in the book 'The Secret To Divine Healing'.

P.P.S: This kills alot of religious sacred cows in the church.

Thursday 22 September 2022

The Rhythm of Life

The Rhythm of Life

Living in the rhythm of life is important in the Kingdom. Jesus walked and lived in the rhythm of the Kingdom until He reached the destination (which was an event).

On the contrary, we tend to live from event to event, whether it is in the church or in the world. We look for bursts of life, instead of the rhythm of life. This is because we get ourselves busy with things that matter less in the Kingdom.

We work ourselves busy, then we say to our kids, "Quality time is more important than quantity. We work ourselves busy, then we say to our spouses, "Quality time is more important than quantity." We work for 11 months (in SG) and take one whole month of vacation. These are events or bursts, but not rhythms.

Tim Elmore wrote a book talking about events and processes. While both are necessary for discipleship, most people focus on events and neglect the processes. In fact, processes are most lacking in discipleship.

The rhythm of life has to do with processes, instead of events. Yes the burst of life (aka events) can give you an acceleration or a spur of energy, but you will need another one, followed by another one. You are always waiting for the next burst/event.

Processes allow you to live and walk in consistency because you don't prioritise your schedule, you schedule your priorities. The Kingdom culture within your life will cause you to schedule your priorities. Without Kingdom values within you, you cannot have processes without.

Many of us complain that we don't have time for this and that. It's not because we don't have, but we chose not to live in the rhythm of life. Why? Because deep in our belief system, there are other values that we weigh above the Kingdom. 

The heart of the matter lies in the matter of the heart. Our believing affects our living. In other words, our living is a revelation of our believing.

If we cannot find the rhythm of life in the Kingdom, then we need to re-evaluate the values we have placed in our heart.

P.S: I was asked, "How does the rhythm of life in the Kingdom look like?

My reply is as follows: "Consistently dedicating time and energy to what matters in the Kingdom as the routine of life. If what matters to us is outside the routine, then we will always be seeking for events and bursts, and we will experience regrets when we are forced to break out of the routine due to crisis."

Thursday 15 September 2022

Healing Is A Paradox

Healing Is A Paradox

There is a paradox in the area of divine healing. It is a healthy tension that is also a revelation of the God-Man. It is difficult to separate the God-Man, just as it is difficult to separate the Son of God from the Son of Man.

Without understanding the theology of dominion, one can never understand divine healing in it's true essence.

The God of heaven and earth made Man god to rule over the earth in partnership with Him (Ps 115:16; Ps 82:6). The god of this world was supposed to be the first Adam, until he gave up his dominion-authority to the devil (Gen 1:28; Luke 4:6; 2 Cor 4:4).

Jesus came on earth not just to represent God alone. He also came to represent how the God-Man looks like, for He is fully God and fully Man. He demonstrated what dominion looks like on earth, which was the original design of Mankind.

Through His crucifixion, death and resurrection, He restored that dominion's authority to Man (Matt 28:18) so that we can become 'God-Man' (Col 1:27) and continue the dominion on earth.

Men naturally desire dominion on earth, whether they have Christ or not. Without Christ, the dominion is twisted, because it's root is a partnership with satan. They try all kinds of ways to rule over the earth (pharma, wars, politics, modern slavery, etc.) but it does not work. In every arena of life, we see that men want dominion, because it is in their God-given nature.

Divine healing is about dominion. It requires the understanding of the God-Man. This is why God told us to HEAL the sick, instead of praying to Him to heal the sick. If you ask your boss to DO what he asked you to do, you will be fired. Yet the church in general is still asking God to do what He told us to do.

The Man part of the God-Man must take responsibility to heal the sick. I have heard of preachers who say, "My job is to lay hands on the sick; God's job is to heal. So the result is not my business." Sounds pretty godly, but not in the Bible.

If you tell your boss, "Boss, my job is to do the task assigned to me. If it does not produce result, it is not my business. The result depends on you, boss... cos you are the one who assigned me the task." I guarantee you... you don't have to produce any result anymore. Just pack your desk and go home permanently.

This is why divine healing cannot be understood without understanding the God-Man.

On the other hand, people get healed because God is good and gracious. It has nothing to do with the sick, and nothing to do with you who minister to the sick. What I mean is this... we cannot earn healing by our works. This is the God-part of the God-Man. There is no excuse if the sick is not healed, because the ministry of healing has nothing to do with the person in front of you (whether he is in sin or not; whether he wants healing or not).

This is why healing is a paradox, but understanding the God-Man brings full clarity to it. When the sick gets healed, the God part gets the glory, because it is His divine authority and power. If the sick does not get healed, the Man part is responsible because we are supposed to take dominion which has been entrusted to us.

Religion is scared of this paradox of God-Man, because it ruins their reputation.

P.S: This is why dominion must be preached when sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom to a non-believer. Otherwise, it is a diluted Gospel that is void of power.

Monday 5 September 2022

Haji Lane Outreach (Kickstart Sept 2016)

This is where Haji Lane outreach started... Didn't realise that the kickstart was actually Sept 2016.

This New Age shop has since closed.

Imagine if we empower as many believers as possible to do free healings and readings at Haji Lane every night / alternate night. Not only can we take dominion over that place, we can also prevent such shops from opening.

People are looking for Hope. Christ IN you is the Hope of glory.

Thursday 1 September 2022

Without Offence

Without Offence

Apart from Jesus, the person I admired most is Apostle Paul. He's really an amazing role model.

So I always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man. - Acts 24:16

The word 'clear' in Greek and within the context of this passage means 'without offence'. Paul strove to have a conscience without offence toward both God and man.

The word 'conscience' simply means 'consciousness'. In other words, Paul walked in 'no consciousness' of offence towards God and man.

This is the greatest sign of one understanding and appropriating the power of the Gospel.

Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered, since the worshipers, having once been cleansed, would no longer have any 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬? - Heb 10:2

Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 (consciousness of sins) and our bodies washed with pure water. - Heb 10:22 (Greek emphasis added)

To have a 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 before God and man is to have 𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 towards God and man.

Offence hinders our worship. When we walk without offence, our communion with Him becomes undivided.

To walk without offence, we need to appropriate the power of the Gospel. For He has purified us from the consciousness of sins. The issue of sin has been dealt with by Jesus; so when we realise that our sin has been forgiven, we would realise that others' sin has been forgiven. 

Since the matter has been established, there is no place for offence, because there is no place for the consciousness of sins. For each time when you get offended, you are saying, "I am conscious of both your sin and my sin." The Pharisees were offended with Jesus because they were conscious of their sins. The Bible calls that evil conscience.

To live without offence is the privilege of a believer.

Saturday 20 August 2022

Communion: Hearing God

Communion: Hearing God

The first recorded communion between Man and God is in Gen 3:9-10 after Adam had sinned.

God said that in the day that Man ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, his spirit would first die, followed by his flesh. "Dying, you will die." (Gen 2:17; 1 Cor 15:45)

Before Adam sinned, there was no recorded communion between Man and God. What was recorded is God's spoken words towards Man, but not Man's spoken words towards God. If we look at the New Covenant principles, communion is from inside out. 

Where the spirit is alive, communion is internal.
Where the spirit is dead, the communion is external.

Adam's spirit was alive when God breathed into him at creation. His spirit was dead after he sinned. From his descendents onwards, communion with God had been external (read from Genesis to the Gospels).

Jesus came to demonstrate communion with God from the internal. 

Therefore the people who stood by and heard it said that it had thundered. Others said, “An angel has spoken to Him.” Jesus answered and said, “This voice did not come because of Me, but for your sake. - John 12:29-30

Those who heard it thundered are like the Israelites who had wrong view of God and they didn't dare to commune with Him (Exo 20:18-19). Those who said 'angels' are like the Old Covenant people (not born again) since they always communed with God in the external.

When Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit back to the disciples (John 20:22), it was the only time the word is used in the New Testament, and it is the same exact word (in Septuagint) that God breathed into Man at creation.

Redemption revives the spirit of mankind (who are born again) and restores the communion with God in the internal.

Now God speaks FROM and THROUGH your spirit into your mind (soul). So the more you renew your mind (soul) aka Romans 12:2, the more you hear Him for who He is, and not who you think He is.

P.S: Today, if you are excited because an angel speaks to you, you are still living in the Old Covenant and don't understand the works of Redemption.

Thursday 18 August 2022

Night Safari

After our first ever Night Safari visit (at a surprisingly great discount), J said, "Papa, you know... I feel like I can eat a Mac Donald's burger."

Papa: Thank God it's just a feeling.

Mama: (Kept laughing).

So we drove to Mac Donald's Drive-Thru at Yishun only to be told by the staff that it was just closed for cleaning.

Brought the boy to 7-eleven to get some snacks since he's hungry. I saw RIO on the shelf and decided to try it, since the main lead actress in the China drama (which my wife and I are watching) kept drinking it.

While making payment, the male cashier looked at me and asked, "Not underage right?" I pulled out my identity card to show him and said, "I'm 40, bro." He replied, 'Wah. Same as me?!"

If I'm below 18, I must have a shotgun marriage at 9 years old, since the little boy standing beside me (who called me Papa there) is 9.

I said to him, "One of you has right knee issue." The female staff said, "Yeah. Arthritic issue with my knee." So I ministered to her and she felt relief and the tension was gone. Then she asked, "Did you use Reiki healing?"

I replied, "Jesus' healing." And I proceeded to share my personal healing testimony and Jesus to them (who are both M).

It's easy to lead someone to pray the sinner/salvation's prayer without being born again, because the former does not require the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom, while the latter requires the Kingdom message. This is why the Gospel of salvation is an incomplete Gospel that does not produce true believers.

Have been thinking alot about Jn 17:3 lately. We can plant seeds and water them everywhere we go. But we need to preach the Gospel of The Kingdom if we want someone to be born again.

P.S: RIO cocktail tastes pretty good with mild alcoholic content.

Wednesday 17 August 2022


If we have to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ, it means that not every thought that comes your way is going to be godly or holy.

If we have to take the shield of faith to extinguish all the fiery darts of the enemy, it means that the enemy is going to attack you regardless of your spiritual maturity.

What's the point?

You cannot prevent any attack from the enemy. You cannot prevent any thought (from the enemy) from entering your mind.

But you are able to prevent it from hurting you. You are able to prevent it from dominating you.

Spiritual maturity, therefore, does not lie in the kind of thoughts that enter your mind. Neither does it lie in the kind of attacks that come against you. It lies in how you deal with the thoughts and the attacks.

Your response is your responsibility to God's given ability. And responsibility is the true sign of maturity.

Tuesday 16 August 2022

The Theology On Healing

To convince unbelievers with your theology, perform your theology through signs and wonders.

To convince believers with your theology, just teach your theology through the Word.

To convince your spouse with your theology, LIVE your theology.

Over the years, the theology on healing has gone into my spouse and my son because I walk out my theology on healing. It has even convinced my spouse not to give my son any medication as the first sign of relief.

My son was healed from fever just recently. We have seen consistent breakthrough in fever and flu for him for the past few years. It didn't come by without continual and persistent crushing of flu when he was much younger. I had to take risks as a father. I had to go through disagreements and arguments with my wife. Yet truth is the highest form of love if it sets one free (John 8:32).

The fight we are to fight is the fight of faith. Why is it the fight of faith? Everything will try to keep you from keeping the faith in Him.

As the head of the household, we must stand firm and remain steadfast in the midst of battles. Our only fight is the fight of faith, even if it means that you are doing it alone. For Christ with you is the majority.

Yes, there will be disagreements. There will be challenges. But as long as we remain in Christ (who is Love), true Love will prevail.

The fight of faith, therefore, is a revelation of His love through us. If God is swayed by feelings, if God gives in and compromises in the name of human/sensual love, we are finished.

To our family, our theology is only as strong as our living.

Friday 12 August 2022

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth

We were taught that spiritual growth comes from the Lord. Religion says that everyone grows at different speed, for God has a timing for everything, since He is the One who grows us.

Have you wondered why some can be believers for 40 years, but never really grow in the Lord?

Have you wondered why the 11 disciples and apostle Paul grew rapidly within a short few years?

Why do some grow so fast and why do some not grow? If God is truly the One growing people, He must be very selective and partial.

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. - 1 Cor 3:16

We often look at the last phrase 'God gave the increase'. But that is only one third of the growth process. There is prerequisite for God to work on.

1) 'I planted'
2) 'Apollos watered'

There is the seed (planting) and the water (discipline) before growth takes place.

Romans 12:2 tells us that the renewing of our mind is our job/responsibility, not God's. Without doing our part, God cannot do His part (of transforming us).

Yes, we long for 'Holy Spirit' meetings where God touches us and goes 'BAM!' But that does not transform us. The Bible is clear that transformation comes by mind renewal aka beholding the Word (cross references: 2 Cor 3:18; James 1:22-25). Scriptures interpret Scriptures.

A touch from heaven (divine encounter) simply re-directs our focus and zeal. Paul had a touch from heaven and it re-directed his focus and zeal from persecuting Christians to going after Christ. A divine encounter is instantaneous, but transformation takes deliberate planting (seed) and discipline (water) ----- Paul went after Christ alone for mind renewal after he was 'Bam!' by heaven (Gal 1:17-18).

Unlike what some think, spiritual growth is not based on God's timing. It is based on yours. You are not waiting for God to grow you. God has already provided us with every tool for growth. He is waiting for you to be deliberate in growth. 

If you don't plant the seed of the Word into yourself and keep watering it with discipline, He cannot bring the increase. And you will not grow.

A humble and renowned prophet in Singapore, who probably has the highest accuracy in prophecy that I know of in Singapore, once said, "Sometimes, I fluctuate between these two zones (Spirit realm and soul realm) because of certain choices that I make."

The decision for spiritual growth lies with us. We are responsible for 2/3 of the growth process, without which, God doesn't bring the increase.

If we are not growing, it's not God's fault nor His timing. It is us who has placed our focus and zeal in somewhere else, instead of Him. Matthew 6:33 applies.

Thursday 11 August 2022

The Simplicity of The Church

If we walk by the Spirit, we will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

The flesh includes the body (five senses) and the soul (mind, emotions and will). Only the body and the soul can be subjected to sinful passions. The Spirit cannot be tempted.

To live in the Spirit is simply to live in the Word. To walk in faith is to walk according to the Word. In other words, walking in the Spirit is identical to walking in faith, which is walking according to the Word.

It is simple and not complicated. However, the modern churches and the charismatics have confused and made living in the Spirit complex and sometimes, vague for many. The concept of living in the Spirit remains a concept until it is made literal as what it is supposed to be.

I had to unlearn so many things that I had learnt from the past church institutions. The journey as a believer can be fast tracked if we did not learn religious sacred cows. The more we learn what is extra-biblical, the slower our journey becomes.

Thus, it is important to choose the kind of fellowship that you go to. Don't mistake attending church as growth. And don't think that people have 'back-slided' just because they are not there on Sundays and mid-weeks. People are the Church by the way.

Sometimes, it is better for a newly born-again person to go after the Word (Bible) alone, than being taught the Word by others. Sometimes, it is better to skip the church service so that you can grow in faith. 

Fellowships like DMM (Disciple Making Movement) which uses DBS (Discovery Bible Study) is often, more effective for your growth, because they do not teach you the Word. You study the Word on your own.

To be afraid of heresies is to think that the Holy Spirit (the Teacher and the Spirit of truth) is not big and powerful enough to guide a believer. We are not called to live in fear, but in faith, for we have received the Spirit of love, of power and of a sound mind.

Friday 5 August 2022

Your Job's Responsibility

Our intellect, wisdom, wealth and ability cannot reveal the glory of God.

Only Power & Love do.

This is why Paul said that his gospel came in power, in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction (1 Thes 1:5:). He said that his message was not with wise and persuasive words, but with the demonstration of the Spirit and of power (1 Cor 2:4).

Whether we are in full-time Christian ministry or marketplace ministry, the same gospel applies. In other words, only raw Power and Love reveal Him to others, for the rest can be imitated by anybody and everybody.

In my 7 years with real estate industry, no one has ever said to me, "Wow your God is real and powerful" as a result of my property work. But in the midst of carrying out my work, I ministered healing and the prophetic to the buyers and sellers. Some got born again because they encountered the raw Power and Love; some were taken by surprise and went "Wow your God is powerful".

Recently, I helped a friend to conduct a viewing at a property. The buyers (family of 3) came. After presenting the place to them, I said, "How's your left knee? Is there an injury?"

He was astonished and looked at me, "How come you know? I just went for a MRI scan yesterday?" The whole family are believers.

While kneeling down and ministering to him, his wife said to her teenage daughter, "I'm going to stand close to him and see if he senses anything about me." I looked up and said, "The right side of your neck downwards, is there an issue?" 

Her eyes were wide open. She nodded, "Yes. For a long time. It's linked to the spine." Her daughter asked, "How did he know?"

Yes, they came to look for a property to buy, but they were also re-introduced to Jesus.

A second group of buyers came to view the property. They are Catholics. After viewing the place, I took the lift down with them. I asked, "How's your right knee?" The guy said, "Oh it's an old injury that has been there for many years." As I ministered to him, I said, "You have a very creative business mind. Are you running your own business that has to do with IT?" He was surprised and said that he ran his own tech business in Asia.

The next day, his wife texted me to thank God, saying that he could do some martial arts with his knee. Jesus!

Everybody is doing their work because it is their job's responsibility. Yes, you do it well but it doesn't separate you from others because others are also doing it well and sometimes even better than you. 

When you do your work well, people go, "Wow, you are awesome!" But when you bring in raw Power and Love, people go, "Wow, God is awesome!" For you to be exalted, just do your job properly. For God to be exalted, it has to be Power and Love. For spiritual things must be spiritually revealed.

Who says that we cannot mix the secular and the spiritual? Only religion does that. Daniel and Joseph (marketplace ministry in the Bible) brought in raw Power and Love through dream interpretations to reveal God in their lives. 

As believers, our first job's responsibility is the Gospel of the Kingdom, regardless of the work we do.

Whichever work you do, Matt 10:8 and Mark 16:15-18 do not change. It is still "heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons." For this is the way to demonstrate the Kingdom of God and reveal God in and through your lives.

Thursday 4 August 2022

The Bible Is Consistent

The Bible is consistent, yet it appears to be full of paradox if we don't continually learn to divide it.

You are clean (John 15):, yet you need to be cleansed (John 13).

You are filled and full (Col 2:9; 1 Cor 6:17; John 3:34), yet you need to be filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18).

There is paradox for those who think paradoxical like the Hebrew mind. But we don't have a Hebrew mind and we don't have to try to become one. Neither do we have to have a Greek mind.

We are not called to think like the Hebrews or Greeks. We are called to think like Christ. For we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16). The new covenant mind or the renewed mind (Romans 12) thinks like Christ thinks.

You are clean (in your spirit); yet you need to be cleansed (in your mind - 2 Cor 7:1; Eph 4:23). 

Only your body and your mind (the spirit of your mind) can be defiled and be unclean. Your spirit cannot be defiled or made unclean as it has been born again.

You are already filled and full (in your spirit); yet you need to be filled with the Spirit (in your mind) ---- aka be influenced by the Spirit.

Your spirit cannot be more filled and full than it already is. You are not trying to get God to touch you and fill you with more. When you are born again, He moves in completely ---- not in some or parts, but the fullness of the Spirit. Hence, for your mind to be filled with the Spirit, it is about letting the spirit flow from within to your mind. It's not outside in; it is not heaven's down. It is already within.

When we don't understand spirit, soul and body, we get confused with the terminology. Terminology is important, because it affects how you read terminology in the Word and interpret truth from the Word.

The Word is consistent, because God is. He just has no problem with us contradicting our own interpretation of the Word.

Monday 1 August 2022

The Consistency of The Gospel

The Consistency of The Gospel

If the Gospel cannot be applied consistently across nations, cultures and people groups, it is a revelation that your gospel is not the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus preached.

For example, if your gospel requires you to have organic food, supplements and special dietary in order to walk in divine health and healing, then it is not the same Gospel that Jesus preached. Because certain tribes, developing nations and people groups have NO access to these kind of food and supplements. Those who live in poverty have NO access to these too.

Disclaimer: It is totally fine to have access to those stuff and use them, if you need to.

The Gospel either applies to all or none. There is no in between. We cannot simply think from the first world's perspective when it comes to the Gospel. We need to think from the Kingdom's perspective.

Often, we see that those who have NO access to nutritious dietaries, supplements and healthcare encounter drastic divine healing miracles. This is not because God is inconsistent or biased. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. If the Gospel applies to one, it applies to all.

It is us who have shortchanged His raw love and power with alternative because we have alternatives living in the first world. He is not the only One whom we are beholding. We behold Him AND alternatives.

The next time when you share the Gospel of the Kingdom with others, keep it pure and raw, because He is and He is a rewarder of those who seek Him diligently.

Sunday 31 July 2022


Confession means "to say the same thing about what God says."

Confession is about speaking in agreement with the Word. The New Testament has much more on positive confessions than negative confessions.

Philemon 6 tells us to "acknowledge every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus."

If you are in Christ, you are a new creation (2 Cor 5:17). What you see in Christ is what you can acknowledge in you.

Until you learn to confess every good thing in you that is in Christ, and what God says about you, you are still self-righteous.

Self-righteousness is not just thinking too highly of yourself, it is also thinking too lowly of yourself. As long as you think different from what God thinks about you, you are stuck in self-righteousness.

The righteousness of God must be lived by faith (Rom 1:17). So if you are making negative confessions by facts, you are not walking by faith. That is like filthy rags to God because it disregards His Son's finished works.

Faith is the only way of living in the Kingdom. And confession is the entry to that living.

P.S: Chinese superstition in speech probably has its root in Christianity. And New Age learns from us. It's called the law of attraction.

Friday 29 July 2022



No one has perfect theology. But whose theology should we place "more" value in?

Many modern-day Christian students place more trust and value in Bible scholars who have many PhD certificates and accreditation, etc. They give more weight to those Bible teachers who are well-known and prominent, who have published many theses and books.

This is NO DIFFERENT from the world's standard.

In the past, however, people placed more value in the theology of those who lived the Gospel of the Kingdom; those who walked out Power and Love like Jesus. For example, Smith Wigglesworth, John G Lake, etc. They were learning from one another and continued to do great exploits for the Kingdom.

The disciples of Jesus, likewise, were uneducated. They were not accredited. They didn't have PhD. They didn't publish theses. They didn't attend the School of Awesome and Precise Theology with accurate citations. Yet they were WITH Jesus. They walked in Power and Love like Jesus. So we placed more value in their written words --- such as the epistles of John and Peter.

Today, we must not be like the world and place more value in the theology of those who only teach and write, but not really walking out the Gospel of the Kingdom in Power and Love like Jesus.

You would rather study and learn with those who have been WITH Jesus (Acts 4:13) than those who have been with education, theses and certificates.

Yes. No one has perfect theology. But the one who lives and does what Jesus did is the closest theology.

P.S: There is a high chance that a mother has a better understanding of the theology of God's love than the top accredited Bible scholar/teacher in a prestigious seminary.

Thursday 21 July 2022

Forgiveness & Healing

Forgiveness & Healing

There are many Scriptures that talk about forgiveness and healing together in each passage.

Because what Christ did for one, He also did for the other.

When we receive forgiveness from Christ, we use the spiritual sense (faith) because our five senses cannot experience it. In the same way, we receive healing from Christ using the spiritual sense.

If we cannot judge our forgiveness by the five senses, then we cannot judge healing by the five senses.

People will ask, "But if I still don't feel well, how do I know if I am healed?"

You don't doubt your ability to hear when you see a flower. You don't doubt your ability to see when you smell it's fragrance.

Because your hearing is nothing to do with your seeing. And your seeing has nothing to do with your sense of smell. They don't affect each other.

Similarly, your five senses have nothing to do with the spiritual sense (faith) and vice versa. Whether you feel well or not has nothing to do with your believing ---- that you are healed by His stripes.

Doubting takes place when we mix the two realms together, when they are supposed to be separated.

The flower is first present, before you can see it. It's fragrance must first be present, before you can smell it. In the same way, healing is already present, before you can feel it.

The principle of Mark 11:24 shows that you have received the promise in the spiritual sense, before it manifests in the five senses.

If we can accept that receiving healing is as simple as receiving forgiveness of sin, joy will enter into our hearts.

How do we know that we have been forgiven? The Word said it. How do we know that we have been healed? The Word said it.

Most believers want to wait until they can experience it in the five senses before they believe that they have been healed. But Jesus said that "Blessed are those who have not seen, yet believed."

If we can be as sure for our healing as our forgiveness, we can be sure that our five senses will eventually catch up with our spiritual sense.

By His stripes, you are healed.

Saturday 16 July 2022

What Do You Thank God For?

To thank God for what you have received is to put your trust in what is physical.

It is sensual and unstable. It is living by what we see. We are not really thanking Him for what He has done through Christ. We are only thanking Him for the benefits we are experiencing and receiving.

To thank God for what He has given is to put your trust in what is eternal.

It is living by the eyes of understanding. We are thanking Him for His unchanging nature and character found in His unchanging Word, demonstrated through Christ. This is spiritual and unshakeable.

When your focus is on the eternal, the physical will manifest itself.

By His stripes you are healed.

Friday 15 July 2022

Healing Perspective

Healing Perspective

Most sincere and thankful believers will thank God for healing them, especially when their symptoms are leaving and their bodies are getting better.

They say, "Father, thank You for the improvement!" This kind of thanksgiving is to live by sight.

There is a better healing perspective and thanksgiving. It is unshakeable, unwavering, unchangeable, steadfast and immovable.

In the Old Testament, the people were instructed to behold the bronze serpent on the pole. In the New, we are to behold Jesus on the Cross.

It is by His stripes that we were healed. Therefore, it is by His stripes that we are healed and stay healed.

Hence, even if your body is improving, you thank God, "Thank You that by Your stripes, I am healed."

Our eyes are to be fixed unto Jesus. We are to behold Him and not look away from Him. We cannot afford to walk by sight, which includes the improvement of health. We are to walk by certainty ----- faith.

The most powerful thanksgiving is to thank Him for what He has already done ----- by His stripes we are healed! Because the focus is on Him, not us nor our body. This kind of thanksgiving is to live by faith.

Sunday 10 July 2022

What Is The Key To Hearing His Voice Part 4

What Is The Key To Hearing His Voice Part 4

Faith completes hearing His voice. If we don't step out in faith, we will never be certain if we have heard His voice.

As shared in Part 3 through one of the testimonies, faith involves expectation. You get what you expect. If you expect to hear God for a healing need through a word of knowledge, you will hear Him for that.

However, we must remain open for God to speak in other areas beyond our expectations.

There was a period when I expected to hear names from God. And I kept getting names when I ministered to people. It's all about making a decision. Because God honours your decision when your heart desires to reach out to someone.

In this part, 𝐰𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.

After getting names, vocation, age, healing needs for people through hearing God's voice, I simply made a decision to hear Him for dates, address, bank account number, etc. You can keep stretching because you can keep stepping out in faith. How far you want to stretch simply depends on your decision, not God.

I have heard God about a bank account number before for someone. When I read out the numbers, he was surprised.

How sharp you want to be depends on how often you practise it over and over again. The more mistakes you make, the more you grow. The goal is to love people, not how accurate you are. When your priority is to be accurate instead of loving others, you would be less willing to take risks and step out in faith. Because your concern would be about your reputation.

Continuing with the testimony in Part 3, after ministering healing to the young lady with the hearing problem, I made a decision to 'see' into her room. I said to her, "I see your room. It's very colourful. There is blue, red, yellow, green... Even around your bed and your table." She nodded her head. I continued, "You have a passion for arts and craft. You design things." She said, "Yes!"

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐇𝐢𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐚. God honours your decision as long as your intention is to reach someone.

In Part 5, we will continue this testimony and the thought process during hearing His voice.

Wednesday 6 July 2022

Another Healing of Cancer

Received a WhatsApp testimony from a friend today.

Two ordinary believers in the healing team went to minister to a guy's mother who was suffering from stomach cancer. 
She got healed. The guy was a non-believer, but when he saw that his mum was healed, he decided to get born again.

I love it when ordinary believers are empowered in their identity to walk out the Kingdom.

Tuesday 5 July 2022

The Power Of Freedom

The Power Of Freedom

People usually think that they are not free until they stop sinning. They think that they are in bondage until they can break free from sin.

This will never happen, because it's not Bible. It's the devil who tries to mess up your thinking in order to keep you bound.

In John 8, the woman was caught in adultery. There are so many powerful truths in this passage alone. But we are focusing on one simple truth.

Jesus said to her, "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more." (John 8:11).

The Bible has many parallels which point to the same truth. We just need to draw it out.

In Galatian 5:1, it says, "It is for freedom that Christ HAS SET us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."

A slave to the law is kept in bondage to sin (Gal 3:22; Read chapter 3-4 in context). For the law has no power to free you from sin. Only by grace through faith can do that.

Notice, the power of freedom is a gift from God to those who believe in Christ (Gal 5:1). Jesus said to the woman, "I do not condemn you." It means that she is free.

Jesus then added, "Go and sin no more."

The devil wants us to get the sequence wrongly. He's whispering through all platforms, "Sin no more. Then you are free."

Jesus said in John 8:36, "Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." (Context reading: 8:34-36). This... He spoke after setting the woman (caught in adultery) free.

The power to 'sin no more' lies in knowing that you are ALREADY free. Christ has already set you free from sin (Romans 6).

The gift of freedom empowers you to sin no more. When you realise that you are already free, you break free from the bondage of sin.

The enemy wants to keep you in ignorance. He wants you to try harder and rely on your own efforts and works to get freedom.

But Christ has come. When you truly believe that you are already free, sin will no longer have dominion over you, since you are not under the law, but under grace.

Sunday 3 July 2022

What Is The Key To Hearing His Voice Part 3

What Is The Key To Hearing His Voice Part 3

Faith is what completes hearing His voice. Without stepping out in faith, you can never be sure if you are hearing Him.

In Part 2, I shared a simple approach to train yourself to hear His voice in alignment with the Word (which holds the Supreme Authority). The practice is vital, because if you are hearing something that is not in line with who Jesus is, there is a high chance that you are either hearing your own thoughts or the devil's. The enemy also knows how to use the word of God and act as God speaking to you.

This is why practising hearing His voice through the Word builds up your foundation.

In a recent Haji Lane outreach that my family and I did, there were many testimonies out of about 40 pax whom we ministered to. I'm sharing one here with the thought process on how we heard His voice.

Faith includes an expectation. 𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.

You expect God to move through you because He has put the Kingdom of God in you. What you expect is usually what you receive. However, we do not limit ourselves to our expectation. We can expect the unexpected. We can expect God to move beyond our expectation (Eph 3:20)

A lady sat down (together with her friend) at the spiritual reading booth. We got her to choose a spiritual reading card.

Disclaimer: The cards are purely props/tools to draw people to us. We do not rely on the cards. In fact, we don't use them. 

She flipped the card and it is written, "A blessing for family." Immediately, we saw the image of a left ear at the back of our mind's eyes. Then we had an impression of the word 'blocked'. Notice... we didn't use the card at all.

So we asked, "Does one of your ears have a problem?" She was shocked because she was probably in her 30s; she wasn't wearing any hearing aid; nothing was visible in the natural.

She responded, "Actually, my ear is completely deaf."

Faith also includes confidence. Sometimes, confidence arises within you and you say things like, "Your left ear is deaf, correct?" Yet on other occasions, you can simply ask a question such as, "Does one of your ears give you problem?" It depends on the level of your confidence (aka faith) at that point in time. There is no hard and fast rule. So you need to weigh on the confidence within and the strength of the impression you received from God.

The stronger the impression, the more confident you can be.
The weaker the impression, the more courage you need to step out in faith.

Why did we first hear God on a healing need through the word of knowledge for the lady? 𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.

My passion is to see people healed bodily. I expect that. The first category of word of knowledge that I walk in is for healing. So when I hear God for someone, I expect that to come first. 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞. And God usually first speaks to me about someone's need for healing, 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐭.

But we must not limit God to one area. So we can expect the unexpected. We can expect God to speak about other areas. We can expect to hear more from Him for the same person.

In the next post, I will continue the story for this lady and her friend.

Hearing the voice of God is not something flaky or reserved for the gifted. Sharing testimonies are great. But I believe that by sharing the actual thought process, it will empower you to step out.

Thursday 30 June 2022

Can We Judge?

Can We Judge?

We were often taught not to judge as Christians. 

"We are not called to judge; we are called to love." This is usually a religious statement that is void of truth and power. Because the one saying it is usually living a life of judging people, whether consciously or sub-consciously.

Jesus said, "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.” (John 7:24) He wasn't saying that you cannot judge. He was teaching you HOW to judge. In fact, there are many Scriptures that Jesus and Paul talked about judging.

Because 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 (1 Cor 2:15).

The word 'judge' in this context is 'anakrino', which means to separate, to discern.

𝐉𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠. The preceding verse before 1 Cor 2:15 talks about spiritually discerning the things of the Spirit. The purpose of the manifestation of the gift of discerning of spirits (1 Cor 12) is meant for judging ALL things.

We are to separate between truth and lies, right and wrong; for this is what anakrino is about.

Discerning of spirits allows us to judge between truth and lies (what manner of spirit a person is operating from). A person can speak what seems to be diplomatically/politically correct, but operates from a wrong spirit. We are empowered by Jesus to judge that, for we judge ALL things.

What we are not called to do is to condemn people ('katadikazo' in Greek but translated as 'judge' in the English bible). The English translation of the word 'judge' is a bad translation. If you go to the Greek Bible, you will see that there are many different Greek words that are translated as 'judge'.

The earthly exousia is a divine ordinance set up by God to reflect the heavenly exousia. The earth's system of government is to reflect the heaven's government. This is why there is the position of (judiciary) judge on earth. He/she is meant to judge righteously, though it is not always the case due to the Fall of Man.

If God has called you and me 'gods' and sons of the most High, then you and I are called to judge righteously, not with condemnation, but with the power of Redemption.

Monday 27 June 2022

What Is The Key To Hearing His Voice Part 2

What Is The Key To Hearing His Voice Part 2

As mentioned in the previous post, the ONE thing that is needed to hear the voice of God is faith. 𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞.

Some think that they can never hear the voice of God. It's actually easier than they think. A lack of confidence in knowing their identity in Christ often results in that mindset.

Some, on the other hand, think that they are hearing the voice of God pretty well. But it has never been tested. They pray alot, but they never take a step of faith to act on what they heard. They never take a step of faith to hear God for someone else. If you can't hear God for someone else (and test it with fruit), chances are... you haven't really heard God for yourself. Because it is the same principle.

God speaks in so many ways, and we should not limit the way He speaks. However, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐞 𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐇𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮. If you try to over-spiritualise how you often hear from Him, but you never hear Him the same for others, there is a good chance that you have missed Him altogether. It becomes your own thoughts and your own imagination.

The foundation to hearing His voice is to know His love through the Word of God. Nothing is more sure than His Word. If you are unsure of His Word, His love for you will seem to change from time to time. Without knowing His love, you will not walk out faith, which is the key to hearing His voice.

Simple application: Take a verse (eg. 1 John 4:10) in the Bible and read it aloud 5 times slowly. Close your eyes and think about the verse.

What comes to your mind first?
What do you see?
What do you sense/feel?
Is there any word that you see in your mind?
Is there any thought that you think in your mind?
Is there any emotion that you feel in your heart?
Is there any word that you feel like speaking out of your mouth?
The list goes on...

I just did what I told you to do. When I closed my eyes, I saw a big hammer nailing both His hands to the Cross and the word 'forgiveness!' was shouted out of His mouth.

Notice... what I saw has nothing to do with the verse literally. It isn't in the verse. The word 'forgiveness!' isn't in the verse either. But God is speaking in alignment with His Word.

This is God speaking. But there is a place for interpretation after hearing from God. Sometimes, it is literal. Sometimes, it is figurative and you need to connect with Him deeper for the interpretation.

We will talk about that further in the next post. Meanwhile, this is the simplest approach to practise hearing God in alignment with the Word..

Friday 24 June 2022

What Is The Key To Hearing God's Voice?

What Is The Key To Hearing God's Voice?

We are all growing in hearing the voice of God. None of us gets it 100% perfect every single time. However, we can keep growing in accuracy.

As shared recently in my post, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐲. Intimacy has to do with surrendering every area of our lives to Him who loves us. Hence, you can hear the voice of God accurately and still be living a carnal life.

That aside... the most fundamental approach to hearing His voice has to do with 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠.

The just shall live 𝐛𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡. - Rom 1:17
We walk 𝐛𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡, not by sight. - 2 Cor 5:7

Since Christianity is about living and walking by faith, then hearing the voice of God has no difference. 𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞.

Note: The foundation of faith is to be rooted in His love (Gal 5:6). And the Word of God (aka the Bible) reveals the fullness of His love.

Each time when you hear from God, you are not 100% sure if it is Him until you step out in faith. If you are 100% sure, you don't need faith. 𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐨𝐝.

The New Covenant is designed for relationship. Faith is the main ingredient in this relationship. God the Holy Spirit does not speak from outside in (like the Old Covenant). He speaks from within you (because He lives in you).

Each time when you sense/feel/see/smell/taste anything that you think might be from God, you complete it with faith by acting on it. Faith + His voice generate POWER. There will be fruit that results from that act of obedience.

In the next part, I'll share my thought process when I hear the voice of God, using recent outreach as an example. I realised that we often share testimonies without sharing the actual thought process to empower people. Testimonies do not empower people --- it only stirs them up; some might even shrink back thinking that it is not possible for them to hear God this way.

My desire is not for people to feel encouraged, but to take courage with action, knowing that it is simple because you are a child of God.

Thursday 23 June 2022

Back In Haji Lane

Nothing beats having your own family going on outreach with you. It's a dream come true.

Healings, word of knowledge, prophecies, tattoo interpretations...

One huge and tall sports guy from Sweden with tears in his eyes; a male youth whose eyes grew watery; two ladies crying, etc.

We ministered to about 40 pax within a short span in the evening. People kept coming and we had to stop as it was getting late.

The harvest is always plentiful.

Glad to be back in Haji Lane. May the son catch the spirit and fire of evangelism from the heavenly Father through the earthly father.

#discipleship #powerandlove #spiritualreading #healing #prophetic #outreach #lifestylechristianity101

Thursday 16 June 2022

Revisiting Healing

Revisiting Healing

We have to keep growing and learning, and never think that we already knew everything.

In my recent study on the Scriptures on healing, I realised that the word 'rebuke', which was often used by Jesus for healing and deliverance, has another meaning in the Greek.

It is referred to "to honor, to properly, assign value as is fitting the situation."

One does not think of the word 'rebuke' in such manner. However, the true potential of rebuking a demon or a sickness is to recognise the value of the imprisoned person and the value of the devil.

We need to honour the person in front of us, esteeming him/her. Because his/her value was paid by the stripes and the sacrifice of Jesus. By esteeming him/her high, we are saying, "This demon or sickness cannot be in you. It has to come out of such a precious son/daughter created in the image of God. The demon or sickness has no value as compared to you, the most prized possession of God."

The next time when you rebuke a demon or sickness, assign proper value to the person in front of you and de-value the works of the devil.

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Keys to Receiving Healing

By Roger Sapp

Keys to Receiving Healing

It is a common experience for people seeking the Lord on a matter - such as healing - for them to initially experience what seems to be the opposite of what they desire. I believe this to be demonic resistance -spiritual warfare. I believe that the Lord spoke to this issue very specifically. He said:

7 "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you.
8 "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened.
9 "Or what man is there among you, when his son shall ask him for a loaf, will give him a stone?
10 "Or if he shall ask for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he?
11 "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him! (Matthew 7:7-11)

Initially, we may experience what seems like a "stone" or a "snake" instead of a loaf or a fish. This is where a lot of people quit believing and are defeated by the devil. We hold on - by faith in Him - to the fact that a good Father God will give us what is good "much more" than what we would do for our children. 

Christians are often unaccustomed to believing without any evidence in their bodies or negative evidence that may actually say to them that things are worse. They quit believing at this critical point thinking that "things are not working" or "we must not be doing this right." They become passive and may settle into a passive waiting for healing rather than continuing to actively believe. I meet lots of people who didn't receive healing because they were unable to continue to believe without outward evidence. 

In my own experience with healing, I have found that making a very strong commitment to the truth that Jesus is already my Healer regardless of what I am presently experiencing has resulted in me receiving healing a number of times. Because I preach this, often in meetings people who have been doubleminded about their healing are able to commit themselves strongly to the truth and receive healing.

I think that most people who are struggling with receiving healing are approaching it backward. Instead of making a strong commitment to the truth that Jesus is already their Healer, they are waiting for healing to happen so that they can believe. This is backward of course. 

Believing that healing is yours before you have it in your experience is important. Believing that Jesus is already your Healer without evidence in your body is the right way. Keeping your focus on the truth rather than your symptoms is essential. Not letting symptoms tell you what is true is highly important. They will be "lying symptoms" because the truth is that Jesus is already your Healer even if you have not received healing yet.

Early in my own personal experience with healing, I found myself doing it backward. I wanted a healing to show me that I was doing it correctly. Instead of believing in what Christ had done before I received, I was waiting for healing to happen before I committed myself to the truth of Christ already being my Healer. 

Once that I quit waiting for a healing to validate that I was doing it correctly, I committed myself strongly to the truth and it set me free within seconds. I was healed and my symptoms were gone.

I had prayed for my healing seriously and repeatedly for ten days without a positive change. In fact, my symptoms were worse. I was worse because I was not believing the truth even though I wanted it to be true. The moment that I made a strong commitment to the truth without any evidence of healing in my body, I was healed within seconds of that moment. I said very loudly with a strong commitment to the Lord, "I don't care how long it takes or how it happens. Jesus You ARE my Healer!" Immediately, I was completely well from a condition that had afflicted me since my childhood. That condition has never returned.

I find that a focus on results instead of the truth of the Good News will not work to receive healing. We need to quit looking for a manifestation. We need to focus entirely on the truth and not keep looking away from the truth to see if we are healed. When we look away to see a result, we are continually being exposed to the idea that we have not received. 

You can't focus on the truth and results at the same time. Every time that we look away from Christ, it is like unplugging from the power source. Instead, keep the eyes of your heart fixed on Jesus and the truth of what He has done and do not consider symptoms to be significant. Symptoms should not be allowed to tell you a contrary truth. The truth is that Jesus is already Your Healer. The work is done for you. Symptoms have no message to a person who is believing in Christ as Healer.

Keep your eyes FIXED on Jesus and focus on the truth of what He has accomplished for you and the healing will arrive often without fanfare. At some point, you will become aware that your healing need no longer exists and that you have received. At that point, it is appropriate to go to the doctor for a checkup and let the doctor tell you that you are no longer sick as a testimony to the doctor.