Thursday 4 August 2022

The Bible Is Consistent

The Bible is consistent, yet it appears to be full of paradox if we don't continually learn to divide it.

You are clean (John 15):, yet you need to be cleansed (John 13).

You are filled and full (Col 2:9; 1 Cor 6:17; John 3:34), yet you need to be filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18).

There is paradox for those who think paradoxical like the Hebrew mind. But we don't have a Hebrew mind and we don't have to try to become one. Neither do we have to have a Greek mind.

We are not called to think like the Hebrews or Greeks. We are called to think like Christ. For we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16). The new covenant mind or the renewed mind (Romans 12) thinks like Christ thinks.

You are clean (in your spirit); yet you need to be cleansed (in your mind - 2 Cor 7:1; Eph 4:23). 

Only your body and your mind (the spirit of your mind) can be defiled and be unclean. Your spirit cannot be defiled or made unclean as it has been born again.

You are already filled and full (in your spirit); yet you need to be filled with the Spirit (in your mind) ---- aka be influenced by the Spirit.

Your spirit cannot be more filled and full than it already is. You are not trying to get God to touch you and fill you with more. When you are born again, He moves in completely ---- not in some or parts, but the fullness of the Spirit. Hence, for your mind to be filled with the Spirit, it is about letting the spirit flow from within to your mind. It's not outside in; it is not heaven's down. It is already within.

When we don't understand spirit, soul and body, we get confused with the terminology. Terminology is important, because it affects how you read terminology in the Word and interpret truth from the Word.

The Word is consistent, because God is. He just has no problem with us contradicting our own interpretation of the Word.

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