Friday 5 August 2022

Your Job's Responsibility

Our intellect, wisdom, wealth and ability cannot reveal the glory of God.

Only Power & Love do.

This is why Paul said that his gospel came in power, in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction (1 Thes 1:5:). He said that his message was not with wise and persuasive words, but with the demonstration of the Spirit and of power (1 Cor 2:4).

Whether we are in full-time Christian ministry or marketplace ministry, the same gospel applies. In other words, only raw Power and Love reveal Him to others, for the rest can be imitated by anybody and everybody.

In my 7 years with real estate industry, no one has ever said to me, "Wow your God is real and powerful" as a result of my property work. But in the midst of carrying out my work, I ministered healing and the prophetic to the buyers and sellers. Some got born again because they encountered the raw Power and Love; some were taken by surprise and went "Wow your God is powerful".

Recently, I helped a friend to conduct a viewing at a property. The buyers (family of 3) came. After presenting the place to them, I said, "How's your left knee? Is there an injury?"

He was astonished and looked at me, "How come you know? I just went for a MRI scan yesterday?" The whole family are believers.

While kneeling down and ministering to him, his wife said to her teenage daughter, "I'm going to stand close to him and see if he senses anything about me." I looked up and said, "The right side of your neck downwards, is there an issue?" 

Her eyes were wide open. She nodded, "Yes. For a long time. It's linked to the spine." Her daughter asked, "How did he know?"

Yes, they came to look for a property to buy, but they were also re-introduced to Jesus.

A second group of buyers came to view the property. They are Catholics. After viewing the place, I took the lift down with them. I asked, "How's your right knee?" The guy said, "Oh it's an old injury that has been there for many years." As I ministered to him, I said, "You have a very creative business mind. Are you running your own business that has to do with IT?" He was surprised and said that he ran his own tech business in Asia.

The next day, his wife texted me to thank God, saying that he could do some martial arts with his knee. Jesus!

Everybody is doing their work because it is their job's responsibility. Yes, you do it well but it doesn't separate you from others because others are also doing it well and sometimes even better than you. 

When you do your work well, people go, "Wow, you are awesome!" But when you bring in raw Power and Love, people go, "Wow, God is awesome!" For you to be exalted, just do your job properly. For God to be exalted, it has to be Power and Love. For spiritual things must be spiritually revealed.

Who says that we cannot mix the secular and the spiritual? Only religion does that. Daniel and Joseph (marketplace ministry in the Bible) brought in raw Power and Love through dream interpretations to reveal God in their lives. 

As believers, our first job's responsibility is the Gospel of the Kingdom, regardless of the work we do.

Whichever work you do, Matt 10:8 and Mark 16:15-18 do not change. It is still "heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons." For this is the way to demonstrate the Kingdom of God and reveal God in and through your lives.

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