Wednesday 17 August 2022


If we have to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ, it means that not every thought that comes your way is going to be godly or holy.

If we have to take the shield of faith to extinguish all the fiery darts of the enemy, it means that the enemy is going to attack you regardless of your spiritual maturity.

What's the point?

You cannot prevent any attack from the enemy. You cannot prevent any thought (from the enemy) from entering your mind.

But you are able to prevent it from hurting you. You are able to prevent it from dominating you.

Spiritual maturity, therefore, does not lie in the kind of thoughts that enter your mind. Neither does it lie in the kind of attacks that come against you. It lies in how you deal with the thoughts and the attacks.

Your response is your responsibility to God's given ability. And responsibility is the true sign of maturity.

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