Friday 12 August 2022

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth

We were taught that spiritual growth comes from the Lord. Religion says that everyone grows at different speed, for God has a timing for everything, since He is the One who grows us.

Have you wondered why some can be believers for 40 years, but never really grow in the Lord?

Have you wondered why the 11 disciples and apostle Paul grew rapidly within a short few years?

Why do some grow so fast and why do some not grow? If God is truly the One growing people, He must be very selective and partial.

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. - 1 Cor 3:16

We often look at the last phrase 'God gave the increase'. But that is only one third of the growth process. There is prerequisite for God to work on.

1) 'I planted'
2) 'Apollos watered'

There is the seed (planting) and the water (discipline) before growth takes place.

Romans 12:2 tells us that the renewing of our mind is our job/responsibility, not God's. Without doing our part, God cannot do His part (of transforming us).

Yes, we long for 'Holy Spirit' meetings where God touches us and goes 'BAM!' But that does not transform us. The Bible is clear that transformation comes by mind renewal aka beholding the Word (cross references: 2 Cor 3:18; James 1:22-25). Scriptures interpret Scriptures.

A touch from heaven (divine encounter) simply re-directs our focus and zeal. Paul had a touch from heaven and it re-directed his focus and zeal from persecuting Christians to going after Christ. A divine encounter is instantaneous, but transformation takes deliberate planting (seed) and discipline (water) ----- Paul went after Christ alone for mind renewal after he was 'Bam!' by heaven (Gal 1:17-18).

Unlike what some think, spiritual growth is not based on God's timing. It is based on yours. You are not waiting for God to grow you. God has already provided us with every tool for growth. He is waiting for you to be deliberate in growth. 

If you don't plant the seed of the Word into yourself and keep watering it with discipline, He cannot bring the increase. And you will not grow.

A humble and renowned prophet in Singapore, who probably has the highest accuracy in prophecy that I know of in Singapore, once said, "Sometimes, I fluctuate between these two zones (Spirit realm and soul realm) because of certain choices that I make."

The decision for spiritual growth lies with us. We are responsible for 2/3 of the growth process, without which, God doesn't bring the increase.

If we are not growing, it's not God's fault nor His timing. It is us who has placed our focus and zeal in somewhere else, instead of Him. Matthew 6:33 applies.

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