Thursday 11 August 2022

The Simplicity of The Church

If we walk by the Spirit, we will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

The flesh includes the body (five senses) and the soul (mind, emotions and will). Only the body and the soul can be subjected to sinful passions. The Spirit cannot be tempted.

To live in the Spirit is simply to live in the Word. To walk in faith is to walk according to the Word. In other words, walking in the Spirit is identical to walking in faith, which is walking according to the Word.

It is simple and not complicated. However, the modern churches and the charismatics have confused and made living in the Spirit complex and sometimes, vague for many. The concept of living in the Spirit remains a concept until it is made literal as what it is supposed to be.

I had to unlearn so many things that I had learnt from the past church institutions. The journey as a believer can be fast tracked if we did not learn religious sacred cows. The more we learn what is extra-biblical, the slower our journey becomes.

Thus, it is important to choose the kind of fellowship that you go to. Don't mistake attending church as growth. And don't think that people have 'back-slided' just because they are not there on Sundays and mid-weeks. People are the Church by the way.

Sometimes, it is better for a newly born-again person to go after the Word (Bible) alone, than being taught the Word by others. Sometimes, it is better to skip the church service so that you can grow in faith. 

Fellowships like DMM (Disciple Making Movement) which uses DBS (Discovery Bible Study) is often, more effective for your growth, because they do not teach you the Word. You study the Word on your own.

To be afraid of heresies is to think that the Holy Spirit (the Teacher and the Spirit of truth) is not big and powerful enough to guide a believer. We are not called to live in fear, but in faith, for we have received the Spirit of love, of power and of a sound mind.

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