Tuesday 16 August 2022

The Theology On Healing

To convince unbelievers with your theology, perform your theology through signs and wonders.

To convince believers with your theology, just teach your theology through the Word.

To convince your spouse with your theology, LIVE your theology.

Over the years, the theology on healing has gone into my spouse and my son because I walk out my theology on healing. It has even convinced my spouse not to give my son any medication as the first sign of relief.

My son was healed from fever just recently. We have seen consistent breakthrough in fever and flu for him for the past few years. It didn't come by without continual and persistent crushing of flu when he was much younger. I had to take risks as a father. I had to go through disagreements and arguments with my wife. Yet truth is the highest form of love if it sets one free (John 8:32).

The fight we are to fight is the fight of faith. Why is it the fight of faith? Everything will try to keep you from keeping the faith in Him.

As the head of the household, we must stand firm and remain steadfast in the midst of battles. Our only fight is the fight of faith, even if it means that you are doing it alone. For Christ with you is the majority.

Yes, there will be disagreements. There will be challenges. But as long as we remain in Christ (who is Love), true Love will prevail.

The fight of faith, therefore, is a revelation of His love through us. If God is swayed by feelings, if God gives in and compromises in the name of human/sensual love, we are finished.

To our family, our theology is only as strong as our living.

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