Thursday 18 August 2022

Night Safari

After our first ever Night Safari visit (at a surprisingly great discount), J said, "Papa, you know... I feel like I can eat a Mac Donald's burger."

Papa: Thank God it's just a feeling.

Mama: (Kept laughing).

So we drove to Mac Donald's Drive-Thru at Yishun only to be told by the staff that it was just closed for cleaning.

Brought the boy to 7-eleven to get some snacks since he's hungry. I saw RIO on the shelf and decided to try it, since the main lead actress in the China drama (which my wife and I are watching) kept drinking it.

While making payment, the male cashier looked at me and asked, "Not underage right?" I pulled out my identity card to show him and said, "I'm 40, bro." He replied, 'Wah. Same as me?!"

If I'm below 18, I must have a shotgun marriage at 9 years old, since the little boy standing beside me (who called me Papa there) is 9.

I said to him, "One of you has right knee issue." The female staff said, "Yeah. Arthritic issue with my knee." So I ministered to her and she felt relief and the tension was gone. Then she asked, "Did you use Reiki healing?"

I replied, "Jesus' healing." And I proceeded to share my personal healing testimony and Jesus to them (who are both M).

It's easy to lead someone to pray the sinner/salvation's prayer without being born again, because the former does not require the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom, while the latter requires the Kingdom message. This is why the Gospel of salvation is an incomplete Gospel that does not produce true believers.

Have been thinking alot about Jn 17:3 lately. We can plant seeds and water them everywhere we go. But we need to preach the Gospel of The Kingdom if we want someone to be born again.

P.S: RIO cocktail tastes pretty good with mild alcoholic content.

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