Saturday 20 August 2022

Communion: Hearing God

Communion: Hearing God

The first recorded communion between Man and God is in Gen 3:9-10 after Adam had sinned.

God said that in the day that Man ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, his spirit would first die, followed by his flesh. "Dying, you will die." (Gen 2:17; 1 Cor 15:45)

Before Adam sinned, there was no recorded communion between Man and God. What was recorded is God's spoken words towards Man, but not Man's spoken words towards God. If we look at the New Covenant principles, communion is from inside out. 

Where the spirit is alive, communion is internal.
Where the spirit is dead, the communion is external.

Adam's spirit was alive when God breathed into him at creation. His spirit was dead after he sinned. From his descendents onwards, communion with God had been external (read from Genesis to the Gospels).

Jesus came to demonstrate communion with God from the internal. 

Therefore the people who stood by and heard it said that it had thundered. Others said, “An angel has spoken to Him.” Jesus answered and said, “This voice did not come because of Me, but for your sake. - John 12:29-30

Those who heard it thundered are like the Israelites who had wrong view of God and they didn't dare to commune with Him (Exo 20:18-19). Those who said 'angels' are like the Old Covenant people (not born again) since they always communed with God in the external.

When Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit back to the disciples (John 20:22), it was the only time the word is used in the New Testament, and it is the same exact word (in Septuagint) that God breathed into Man at creation.

Redemption revives the spirit of mankind (who are born again) and restores the communion with God in the internal.

Now God speaks FROM and THROUGH your spirit into your mind (soul). So the more you renew your mind (soul) aka Romans 12:2, the more you hear Him for who He is, and not who you think He is.

P.S: Today, if you are excited because an angel speaks to you, you are still living in the Old Covenant and don't understand the works of Redemption.

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