Monday 1 August 2022

The Consistency of The Gospel

The Consistency of The Gospel

If the Gospel cannot be applied consistently across nations, cultures and people groups, it is a revelation that your gospel is not the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus preached.

For example, if your gospel requires you to have organic food, supplements and special dietary in order to walk in divine health and healing, then it is not the same Gospel that Jesus preached. Because certain tribes, developing nations and people groups have NO access to these kind of food and supplements. Those who live in poverty have NO access to these too.

Disclaimer: It is totally fine to have access to those stuff and use them, if you need to.

The Gospel either applies to all or none. There is no in between. We cannot simply think from the first world's perspective when it comes to the Gospel. We need to think from the Kingdom's perspective.

Often, we see that those who have NO access to nutritious dietaries, supplements and healthcare encounter drastic divine healing miracles. This is not because God is inconsistent or biased. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. If the Gospel applies to one, it applies to all.

It is us who have shortchanged His raw love and power with alternative because we have alternatives living in the first world. He is not the only One whom we are beholding. We behold Him AND alternatives.

The next time when you share the Gospel of the Kingdom with others, keep it pure and raw, because He is and He is a rewarder of those who seek Him diligently.

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