Tuesday 14 June 2022

Keys to Receiving Healing

By Roger Sapp

Keys to Receiving Healing

It is a common experience for people seeking the Lord on a matter - such as healing - for them to initially experience what seems to be the opposite of what they desire. I believe this to be demonic resistance -spiritual warfare. I believe that the Lord spoke to this issue very specifically. He said:

7 "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you.
8 "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened.
9 "Or what man is there among you, when his son shall ask him for a loaf, will give him a stone?
10 "Or if he shall ask for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he?
11 "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him! (Matthew 7:7-11)

Initially, we may experience what seems like a "stone" or a "snake" instead of a loaf or a fish. This is where a lot of people quit believing and are defeated by the devil. We hold on - by faith in Him - to the fact that a good Father God will give us what is good "much more" than what we would do for our children. 

Christians are often unaccustomed to believing without any evidence in their bodies or negative evidence that may actually say to them that things are worse. They quit believing at this critical point thinking that "things are not working" or "we must not be doing this right." They become passive and may settle into a passive waiting for healing rather than continuing to actively believe. I meet lots of people who didn't receive healing because they were unable to continue to believe without outward evidence. 

In my own experience with healing, I have found that making a very strong commitment to the truth that Jesus is already my Healer regardless of what I am presently experiencing has resulted in me receiving healing a number of times. Because I preach this, often in meetings people who have been doubleminded about their healing are able to commit themselves strongly to the truth and receive healing.

I think that most people who are struggling with receiving healing are approaching it backward. Instead of making a strong commitment to the truth that Jesus is already their Healer, they are waiting for healing to happen so that they can believe. This is backward of course. 

Believing that healing is yours before you have it in your experience is important. Believing that Jesus is already your Healer without evidence in your body is the right way. Keeping your focus on the truth rather than your symptoms is essential. Not letting symptoms tell you what is true is highly important. They will be "lying symptoms" because the truth is that Jesus is already your Healer even if you have not received healing yet.

Early in my own personal experience with healing, I found myself doing it backward. I wanted a healing to show me that I was doing it correctly. Instead of believing in what Christ had done before I received, I was waiting for healing to happen before I committed myself to the truth of Christ already being my Healer. 

Once that I quit waiting for a healing to validate that I was doing it correctly, I committed myself strongly to the truth and it set me free within seconds. I was healed and my symptoms were gone.

I had prayed for my healing seriously and repeatedly for ten days without a positive change. In fact, my symptoms were worse. I was worse because I was not believing the truth even though I wanted it to be true. The moment that I made a strong commitment to the truth without any evidence of healing in my body, I was healed within seconds of that moment. I said very loudly with a strong commitment to the Lord, "I don't care how long it takes or how it happens. Jesus You ARE my Healer!" Immediately, I was completely well from a condition that had afflicted me since my childhood. That condition has never returned.

I find that a focus on results instead of the truth of the Good News will not work to receive healing. We need to quit looking for a manifestation. We need to focus entirely on the truth and not keep looking away from the truth to see if we are healed. When we look away to see a result, we are continually being exposed to the idea that we have not received. 

You can't focus on the truth and results at the same time. Every time that we look away from Christ, it is like unplugging from the power source. Instead, keep the eyes of your heart fixed on Jesus and the truth of what He has done and do not consider symptoms to be significant. Symptoms should not be allowed to tell you a contrary truth. The truth is that Jesus is already Your Healer. The work is done for you. Symptoms have no message to a person who is believing in Christ as Healer.

Keep your eyes FIXED on Jesus and focus on the truth of what He has accomplished for you and the healing will arrive often without fanfare. At some point, you will become aware that your healing need no longer exists and that you have received. At that point, it is appropriate to go to the doctor for a checkup and let the doctor tell you that you are no longer sick as a testimony to the doctor.

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