Thursday 16 June 2022

Revisiting Healing

Revisiting Healing

We have to keep growing and learning, and never think that we already knew everything.

In my recent study on the Scriptures on healing, I realised that the word 'rebuke', which was often used by Jesus for healing and deliverance, has another meaning in the Greek.

It is referred to "to honor, to properly, assign value as is fitting the situation."

One does not think of the word 'rebuke' in such manner. However, the true potential of rebuking a demon or a sickness is to recognise the value of the imprisoned person and the value of the devil.

We need to honour the person in front of us, esteeming him/her. Because his/her value was paid by the stripes and the sacrifice of Jesus. By esteeming him/her high, we are saying, "This demon or sickness cannot be in you. It has to come out of such a precious son/daughter created in the image of God. The demon or sickness has no value as compared to you, the most prized possession of God."

The next time when you rebuke a demon or sickness, assign proper value to the person in front of you and de-value the works of the devil.

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