Wednesday 8 June 2022

The Spirit Of Faith

The opposite of faith is not fear. The opposite of faith is sight (2 Cor 5:7). 

Fear is in the spirit realm (2 Tim 1:7) that attaches itself to the soul through the body (sight --- visual, feelings, symptoms, etc.) In other words, fear enters from the outside.

On the contrary, faith (2 Cor 4:13) lives out from the inside. Since it is in the spirit realm, it cannot be seen (Heb 11:1).

We are trained to find evidences in many places but they are all by sight. If you believe what you see, you are not walking by faith. The only evidence that the Bible teaches us to see is faith (Heb 11:1) and nothing else.

Until we have learnt to trust the only unchanging evidence (faith), we will not have the evidence (proof of faith) that we want.

Since faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word (Rom 10:17), the only unchanging evidence must be the Word of God. 

This is why man does not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matt 4:4).

To walk by faith is to walk by (hearing and hearing) the Word. When we can see the Word and believe the Word; all of a sudden, sight does not matter anymore. The visual, feelings, symptoms, etc. do not matter anymore. Because your only evidence is left with the Word.

When the feeling of fear arises and seems so real and overwhelming, you need to intentionally walk contrary to it by acting on the Word. If you believe, you will act on it (Mark 11:24).

The Bible does not say that if you have faith, you will not feel fearful. It says that you are to walk by faith, not by sight. In other words, even when you feel fearful, you CHOOSE to walk by the Word.

Acting on the Word is what allows the spirit of faith to flow through the soul into the body and out of it. This is how you receive all the promises of God which are "Yes" in Christ, and in Him, "Amen" to the glory of God through us.

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