Friday 3 June 2022

Righteousness (Truth) & Mercy (Grace)

While driving, I saw a vision of fig tree leaves (oh yeah I could still see the traffic). So I asked, "What's that?" He said, "What do you see?"

I replied, "Green leaves and gaps?" He said, "Righteousness and mercy are on the same side."

Grace & truth is the same as mercy & righteousness. Both are found in Jesus. I questioned, "There is a balance. But how do I apply it wisely?"

He answered, "I give grace to the humble and oppose the proud."

And I realise how grace (mercy) and truth (righteousness) work hand in hand.

Jesus said to the woman, "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more." Grace is given, followed by truth. This is consistent in the Gospel when Jesus spoke to sinners who humbled themselves before Him.

Jesus, on the other hand, released truth to Nicodemus, Pharisees, etc. Truth is given to the proud to knock them off the pedestal so that they may come to the place of humility for grace to be received.

Jesus is Grace and Truth. Grace gives grace to the humble. And Truth opposes the proud.

He shows us the sequence to demonstrate to others, whether Grace or Truth first (without compromising on any of the two).

P.S: Driving on the road with Jesus is never boring. Because He keeps speaking.

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