Thursday 3 November 2022

Important Difference Between Miracles And Healings

Important Difference Between Miracles And Healings

Alot of believers are looking for miracles but they don't understand healings. There is an important difference.

Miracles are instantaneous.
Healings are progressive.

Mark 16:17-18 talks about laying hands on the sick and they will recover. This includes both healings and miracles.

The point is that either God is a liar or is telling the truth. If He is the Truth (John 14:6), then the moment when you lay hands on the sick, healing begins.

Yes, we always expect miracles when we minister ---- the instantaneous. Yet sometimes, it's healing ---- progressive.

However, believers are always limited to miracles, that they fail to see that healing has already started. As a result, after they get ministered to, they think, "God is not healing yet. I don't see any difference. I don't feel any difference. The symptoms are still there."

And they pull out the seed of healing that was already planted into them. In other words, they 'cancel' the healing. Therefore, they don't see the result.

What we need is to thank God for the healing and continue to expect it to come to completion. We can continue to receive 'more' healing 'added' to what has already begun, either by receiving on our own, or going back to other believers to be ministered again.

Sometimes, it involves a fight. Because while the healing has begun, the sickness can try to destroy faster than the healing. So we need to receive more until life overwhelms every form of death.

In John G Lake's time, He didn't always see results instantly. He had people coming back to his Healing Rooms for a period of 30 days until they got healed. They kept going back every day until they got healed. That's tenacity and persistence.

If we want to win the fight, we need to STAND.

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