Saturday 5 November 2022

Grateful for My Wife

Grateful for My Wife

My hands were full of groceries as my family and I entered the lift together with a man who was limping. I asked him what happened and he shared that he injured and broke something in his calf.

I said, "Can you give me a few seconds?"

The moment when I said that, my wife immediately and automatically took over all the groceries from my hands (even though they were heavy), so that I could minister to him.

You are always in awe of the look of astonishment on the stranger's face when he gets healed. He said, "Look! What did you do? I can walk now."

And I proceeded to share my own testimony and Jesus with him. People would often ask, "Did you lead him to Jesus?"

Well, I just gave Him to him. Ever since I understood the Gospel of the Kingdom, I no longer lead people to a watered-down gospel of salvation. Because I found that those who say 'Yes' quickly in a moment of emotions to the gospel of salvation are sometimes not born again into the Kingdom. They don't really know what they are in for and thus, it's not a genuine conversion.

When I got into the car, I shared with my wife how John G Lake must have felt in his days. He couldn't let any sick person get past him, because he knew that there's something he carried which would solve the problem.

John G Lake had 100,000 documented healings in 5 years in Spokane. He had a room for doctors to do X-rays/scans and to verify the healings. It wasn't just visible healings, but verified (thus documented) healings. This alone is mind-blowing.

His success rate was so high that he was called Dr Lake. Doctors were not there to cure the patients, but to simply verify the miraculous healings ministered by him. It was all over the newspapers and media in those days.

I have not heard of anyone who walked in such fullness in the area of healing. This always makes me zealous to grow more.

He was just one man. Imagine if we have 5000 men reproduced, we would reign on earth with amazing impact for the Kingdom.

P.S: Just one day before, I had 3 rounds of diarrhoea and vomiting due to food poisoning (probably due to expired prune juice which I drank on the previous night). My head was spinning and I had no appetite for anything. Thus my wife said, "If you don't want any medication, at least take probiotics. It's not really medicine. Don't be stubborn."

But yeah I'm stubborn when it comes to healing. So I said No, because I got Jesus and released healing to myself. On the next day, which is today, I woke up and ate normally. During lunch, I ate some spicy stuff, followed by coffee, which is an absolute no-go for someone who had food poisoning just a day ago. Went to work, did groceries shopping and ministered to the guy in the lift.

There is a powerful Kingdom of God living inside every believer, which we seldom tap into. We often surrender too quickly in the midst of discomfort. But the Comforter will manifest Himself when we decide to lean on Him and let Him flow from our spirit to our body by the act of our soul. This is called Romans 8:2 and Romans 8:11.

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