Thursday 17 November 2022

Persecution Arises Because Of The Word

Last evening, God spoke to me about taking risk and stepping out in the area of finances. I said, "Yes Father!"

A few hours later, my car was knocked from the back on the road, which means that I would need to spend unnecessarily for the repair.

Immediately, I heard the Word, "Persecution arises because of the Word sown into you."

The enemy always tries to steal, kill and destroy.

When God speaks to you powerfully, the enemy reacts in fear. He would try to steal the word sown into you, so that you would not bear fruit. His goal is to keep you from fulfilling what God has for you.

We would therefore, need to crush the enemy even more intently. Whichever area the enemy tries to steal the word that God has just spoken to you, you increase the aggressiveness and intensity by acting on the word even more.

The opposite of sight is faith. Faith pushes the enemy out of your sight so that God's insight becomes your foresight. The one with the last laugh always wins.

P.S: You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed. - Lev 19:19. The enemy sows tares into your field so that you have two kinds of seed. The field becomes choked and less fruitful.

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