Wednesday 23 November 2022

Word of Wisdom

Word of Wisdom

The word of knowledge reveals the present while the word of wisdom reveals the future.

Brought my son to the children version of go-kart when I heard God speaking to me about the staff's right knee.

I decided to wait for her to finish setting up the go-kart for my son before I approached her. Suddenly, while setting up halfway, a teenage girl lost control of her go-kart and knocked onto the staff's right leg, causing her right knee to be injured (word of wisdom).

She was in pain and limped back to the counter. As I had to watch over my son to ensure that he was manoeuvring well, I thought of approaching her later to minister healing. There was a God-confidence arising within me that she would be totally healed in an instant.

When I went back to the counter, she wasn't there. Her colleague said that she went to take a rest. I requested her colleague to give her a call but he couldn't reach her.

After more than an hour, my son and I went back to look for her. She was at the counter. 

I asked, "How's your right knee?" She replied, "I think something happened to the bone when I was knocked by the go-kart."

I said, "Let me release healing to you.' Looking pretty skeptical, she responded, "No worries about it."

I insisted, "I won't be touching you. Just from a distance." And I exerted authority on the injury, since Christ gave us His authority over every sickness and disease.

Then I got her to test out. She started laughing in amazement before exclaiming, "Oh gosh!!" I said, "Do everything you can to find the pain." She kept testing it, bent her knee, did some squats, etc in astonishment.

I began sharing my own healing testimony and Jesus with her. My son witnessed the whole thing and encountered the living presence of God once again.

I often receive the word of knowledge (present) for healing, but seldom receive the word of wisdom (future) for healing. The word of wisdom could have prevented the need for healing. It is an area where we need to tap into more, not just in the aspect of healing, but in various aspects.

Living the Kingdom life is exciting because each day is an opportunity to wake up and partner with God to manifest His Kingdom. Imagine if we have 5000 walking in this everyday in SG.

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