Saturday 29 October 2022

Kingdom Building

This morning, I'm hearing this...

"If you want men to keep coming back to your church, keep filling their cups. But if you want men to keep going out and be the church, keep teaching them to fill their own cups."

Great pulpit ministry draws the crowd and fills their cups. But they don't learn how to fill their own cups. So they keep coming back. It helps to grow the ministry name too, as well as finances.

But kingdom ministry empowers the crowd so that they fill their own cups. They can leave anytime when they are ready, because they don't need you anymore. They learn to feed themselves; they grow and they can start their own group everywhere to empower others to continue this cycle. This is what the Kingdom should look like.

Perhaps if your ministry always attracts more people to stay than to leave, it's time to re-evaluate if we are building our own kingdom OR His Kingdom.

We don't need a brand name. We need brand new groups.

A good Father always releases. A mature son always steps out and starts a new family.

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