Monday 19 December 2022

Christians Are Harder To Get Healed? Part 3

Christians Are Harder To Get Healed? Part 3

As mentioned in the previous post, every Christian has the same delegated authority from Christ. You get to decide HOW you use the authority, whether it is for good or bad.

Since death and life are in the power of the tongue and you shall eat its fruit (Prov 18:21), what you say and do will determine the kind of fruit that is produced in you.

There is no hindrance for healing (the power of God) to flow into a Christian's body from a minister (the one who ministers healing) except the unbelief of the minister (Matthew 17:20).

Very often, a Christian has received healing into his body when someone laid hands or ministered to him. Instant healing is a miracle and we always expect that. Yet sometimes, healing is sudden (happens suddenly on another day/time) OR progressive (the principle of the cursed fig tree).

I have shared about how identity allows a Christian to stay healed when the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy (Jn 10:10). But this post is not for that.

If the recipient of healing, particularly a Christian, does not understand his delegated authority, he can unknowingly use it to reverse the healing that has been released into his body by a minister.

God is not a liar. He said that you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover (Mark 16:17-18). In other words, when the minister releases healing to the Christian's body, life flows from the Spirit into the Christian's body and healing has begun.

If the healing is not fast enough (depends on the power of God through faith), the Christian might not feel any change in his body yet. The fig tree had no immediate change though it's roots were drying up.

Should the Christian then say, "Nothing is changing... I'm not healed", he is speaking with the delegated authority, whether he knows or not. And he shall eat the fruit of what comes out of his tongue.

This can possibly reverse and stop the healing which he has received from the minister. We have seen this experientially a number of times, where believers got better, before the symptoms worsen.

As ministers (someone who ministers healing), we need to expect complete wholeness and take responsibility for someone's healing, instead of being quick to blame others. This will ensure our growth and remove every excuse of seeing others healed.  

Authority plays a part in keeping the healing that a Christian has received, because with authority comes responsibility.

This is why I think that every time when the topic of healing is taught in equipping sessions, identity and authority must also be taught together. Otherwise, a Christian can be activated in healing but soon be discouraged/disappointed because he does not know how to stand.

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